Whats up with peoples' reactions when they find out I'm vegan? Ok, a lot of the time I don't even say "i'm vegan," I'll just politely decline the animal derivative..(thats a depressing word)
Anyway, the other night I went to some little party with my boyfriend so I could meet some of his friends. They started BBQing...then one of them came in with this big old nasty bratwurst (i've always hated sausage, even in pre-veg dayz) and was like "MMMMM you want some of this?? I'm sure you've got the munchies! MMMM!" I was polite, I just said "no thanks" and hoped that would be it...but he kept trying to give it to me and so I said "I don't like meat; I don't eat it." Then he started saying things like "OH but its the best food in the world its so delicious how can you not eat it oh but i guess you like the other type of meat *wink wink*!" and then I just wanted to jump him.
I've tried to not let this bother me too much. I know we're some kind of freak to most people. But I can't stop thinking about what happened. Do people not know about that whole first impression thing? Do they not care? I never tell people how disgusted I am by what they can't they leave me alone for what I choose NOT to eat? I'm sure he was just a drunk idiot but GAHHHH. It's like some other kid who told me to pretend the cows killed my family so I could eat it. *MIND PUNCH*
OHHHH on another note: don't you hate it when people say: "Oh you can't have this." ? (did I punctuate correctly?)
sorry if this is a pointless rambling rant. I'm irritated.
What can I do or say next time this happens? I'm not very well-spoken and I suck at comebacks, and I don't want to be that pretentious vegan asshole. But maybe I should every now and then.
If the person is drunk, challenge that person to eat 10 brats. Hopefully they'll puke. People like that like to be the center of attention. Use it to their disadvantage.
you're such a smart kitty..thanks a latte
I always like what the advice columnist Carolyn Hax recommends in cases of extreme social rudeness: raise your eyebrows, look right at the person and just say, "Wow". Then depart.
people are idiots.... and BTW I always say, "I can eat that, I just choose not to".... wow you seem to be running into a lot of idiots lately... sorry <3 stand strong in your ethics, if anything say this makes me feel happy and it's a personal choice... who can argue with that?
I'm sorry that I don't have any comebacks or quick responses to your carnivorous friends. All I can say is that I feel your pain. I still hear and see the taunts from friends and family.
Personally, I find great satisfaction in knowing my choices are just that - my choices. Most meatatarians I talk to eat meat because that's all they know. They don't want to challenge all they know and what's programmed into them. And, as you know, vegetarianism/veganism isn't popular in the mainstream.
Someone asked me once if people can change. My answer is the same as it was then - I know I can but everyone has to have the "want" to change. Most don't. Just know that you're doing what's right for you and what's right for the animals and what's right for the world.
That was my analytical answer to your situation. Ha!
after awhile, people will leave you alone(for the most part). My usual comeback for stupid remarks is, "wow, you are so witty, I have NEVER heard that one before"
Wow... humans! they never cease to amaze, in their obnoxiousness. Set phasers to 'ignore'! I am often surprised (though I shouldn't be, by this point) at how defensive many carnies feel about the crap they eat... so often they come out swinging at the slightest excuse; yet somehow WE have the reputation for proselytizing! (wtf?!)... anyway -- I like the 'wow/ eyebrows up/ walk away' approach. This person is a dink-head; nothing you say will change their dink-head worldview... so just get them out of your periphery as efficiently as possible, and move on to a nicer peer group ASAP!
after awhile, people will leave you alone(for the most part). My usual comeback for stupid remarks is, "wow, you are so witty, I have NEVER heard that one before"
Yeah that. Eventually it will become just part of your persona that people accept.
I remember when I backslid a few years back (insanity, what can I say) friends were so said "that was one of the fun things about you".
I think we all feel for you. My husband is in the marine corps... and a vegan. He gets terribly sh*t for being vegan ALL OF THE TIME. Every day even. People send him pictures of their dinners, offer to pay him money if he'll eat meat, try to find flaws in his veganism.
The marines in his unit have accepted it, but is another thing to tease him for. When something bad happens to me in that sense, I do get a bit defensive, but I walk away. Unless a person is asking me HONEST questions because they really want to know, I don't give them the time of day.
I love the "WOW" walk away technique! YES.
:) Vegan love for you.
I sometimes feel like people don't want to be friends with me because of it, like they think I will be judging them, or something. Or that they can't talk about meat or mention anything animal around me or I might be offended. I get the, "sorry, he is having cheese for snack" so often. I don't really care what your kids eats, ok?
So rather than deal with it, they just choose not to be friends with me.
oh well.
I sometimes feel like people don't want to be friends with me because of it, like they think I will be judging them, or something. Or that they can't talk about meat or mention anything animal around me or I might be offended. I get the, "sorry, he is having cheese for snack" so often. I don't really care what your kids eats, ok?
So rather than deal with it, they just choose not to be friends with me.
oh well.
I hear the "sorry" all of the time. I think in my head "apologize to the cow and your body, not to me." It's rough... It's hard to be extremely passionate about a subject and to befriend someone who really doesn't give a hoot. Sometimes I just straight up say "I don't care what you eat" and it always seems to end on a happy note. :) I don't recommend it if you're friend is a bit uptight or you don't know them very well.
Ugh, what a douchebag, I'd just be like "Sorry, I'm too good for that" since that's what they think we think anyway.
In fairness, it's a lot harder to be defensive when they're stuffing their face with "delicious" foods and the only thing vegan/vegetarian is bread or something. This is why I try to avoid social situations with non-likeminded people.
I wouldn't challenge him to eat 10 brats, do you really want that dead animal going to waste?
I don't have inner rage that some people eat animal. And I like being grossed out. Plus, the challenge is more about opening him up to mocking than expecting him to really eat 10 brats. I understand there are more unassuming ways to handle the situation, but those aren't for me.
I sometimes feel like people don't want to be friends with me because of it, like they think I will be judging them, or something. Or that they can't talk about meat or mention anything animal around me or I might be offended. I get the, "sorry, he is having cheese for snack" so often. I don't really care what your kids eats, ok?
So rather than deal with it, they just choose not to be friends with me.
oh well.
I hear the "sorry" all of the time. I think in my head "apologize to the cow and your body, not to me." It's rough... It's hard to be extremely passionate about a subject and to befriend someone who really doesn't give a hoot. Sometimes I just straight up say "I don't care what you eat" and it always seems to end on a happy note. :) I don't recommend it if you're friend is a bit uptight or you don't know them very well.
.I completely agree!! You did right by standing your ground and not yumping him. ;)b I know how hard the temptation can be though....I have my own shelf of seasonings in the kitchen and my family cooked their "dead animal" after I cooked my seitan and salad. My dad knocked over like 3 bottles of my seasonings into the chicken fat!!! AAHHH!!!!! I immediately said, "UGH! I paid for those. Can you please wash them?!" He ignored me and just stuck them back in the cabinet. I can't use those seasonings now... So I sat there at the dinner table silently flipping out and my bro started yelling at me about how I have an attitude and meat this...vegans that...bla bla bla...I lost it and just went upstairs before I said something mean. Because I backed off, I avoided the whole accusing and on and on thing... I'm still super pissed though >:(
wow your family members sound pretty jerky as well... sorry :( some of my family made some comments at first but they have simmered down... i really don't understand why people feel so defensive and protective about meat eating... i think they know deep down it's wrong
wow your family members sound pretty jerky as well... sorry :( some of my family made some comments at first but they have simmered down... i really don't understand why people feel so defensive and protective about meat eating... i think they know deep down it's wrong
AGREED! I don't comment on the repulsiveness of them chewing why should they comment on me eating vegetables and rice peacefully?? Anywhoo...thanks. I'm not alone...yay! :)
I've pretty much heard every joke, redicule and dumb thing said to a vegan by now and I'm a pretty sarcastic person in general so I usually just raise and drop both or my eyebrows at the same time and say, "funny" very flatly. Although, if one more person asks me if vegans can eat animal crackers, I cannot promise no violence will be taken.
I've pretty much heard every joke, redicule and dumb thing said to a vegan by now and I'm a pretty sarcastic person in general so I usually just raise and drop both or my eyebrows at the same time and say, "funny" very flatly. Although, if one more person asks me if vegans can eat animal crackers, I cannot promise no violence will be taken.
my son asked me that when he was about 4. He was sort of being sincere, but smart alecy too. He said, "we don't eat animals, right? then why are we eating these animal crackers?!"
I seriously think those crackers (the barnum and bailey ones) are sort of a ploy by companies that exploit animals for consumption to get kids used to eating animals and not thinking it's weird.
Lol. Usually when people offer me meat or tell me how good it is or something I'm just like OM NOMNOM I LOVE STEAKKKKK. MEATTT IS SOOO GOOOOODDD. IT IS MY FAVORITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YUMMMMMM. And I scream it in a weird voice.
Like at Starbucks a barista always has to say "So whipped cream and whole milk right?" And I respond. YES. ALL OF THE DAIRY. PUT A WHOLE COW IN THERE TOO.
It generally gets people to stop. haha.
I sometimes feel like people don't want to be friends with me because of it, like they think I will be judging them, or something. Or that they can't talk about meat or mention anything animal around me or I might be offended. I get the, "sorry, he is having cheese for snack" so often. I don't really care what your kids eats, ok?
So rather than deal with it, they just choose not to be friends with me.
oh well.
I hear the "sorry" all of the time. I think in my head "apologize to the cow and your body, not to me." It's rough... It's hard to be extremely passionate about a subject and to befriend someone who really doesn't give a hoot. Sometimes I just straight up say "I don't care what you eat" and it always seems to end on a happy note. :) I don't recommend it if you're friend is a bit uptight or you don't know them very well.
.I completely agree!! You did right by standing your ground and not yumping him. ;)b I know how hard the temptation can be though....I have my own shelf of seasonings in the kitchen and my family cooked their "dead animal" after I cooked my seitan and salad. My dad knocked over like 3 bottles of my seasonings into the chicken fat!!! AAHHH!!!!! I immediately said, "UGH! I paid for those. Can you please wash them?!" He ignored me and just stuck them back in the cabinet. I can't use those seasonings now... So I sat there at the dinner table silently flipping out and my bro started yelling at me about how I have an attitude and meat this...vegans that...bla bla bla...I lost it and just went upstairs before I said something mean. Because I backed off, I avoided the whole accusing and on and on thing... I'm still super pissed though >:(
UGH! A similar thing happened with my MIL...not at MY house though, never.
She was disassembling a rotisserie chicken (she said I might want to leave before she did it). gee thanks.
anyway, her hands were COMPLETELY covered in grease and chicken skin and before washing them, she totally just picked up the salt shaker. I didn't use salt for the rest of the weekend!
then when she washed, she barely rinsed them off and i could still see a shiny residue on them.
if you are going to eat dead animals, you could at least try to be more sanitary about it!