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Wheat Germ Alternatives

I am kind of bummed out. I just discovered wheat germ about 2-3 weeks ago adding it to my oatmeal and sometimes to my salads. However, I have noticed that my face is breaking out with pimples. Is there an alternative that is low fat, high protein and high vitamin E? I do have more energy, but I don't want acne either. It is definitely the wheat germ, because my diet is very limited and that is the only change that I have made over the past several weeks. I am in my late 30's and was loving my clear skin until this. BTW, I can't eat soy or seitan (maybe I should have known). I eat wheat bread occasionally so I thought I was o.k.

Thanks for your help,


How about adding ground flax seed, or chia seeds, to your oatmeal?


It sounds like you're pretty convinced it's the wheat germ, but I'm  pretty doubtful that such a minor change in your diet could be the sole cause of your break outs. Acne and breakouts are influenced by a multitude of factors; diet is only one. Hormonal changes, stress levels, weather conditions, and all sorts of other factors in your life can (and DO!) lead to pimples and acne flare-ups. Although changes in diet can occasionally cause skin issues, usually it doesn't happen over night and happens when there has been a pretty radical modification... like if you were chowing down on a couple cups of wheat germ every day! In fact, wheat germ is often prescribed as a nutritional supplement for people who struggle with acne! Just google "acne and wheat germ" and see what pops up.

Pimples are a pain, but don't trouble yourself too much. If you haven't had big issues with acne up until now, they will probably clear up in no time. You know the drill... wash your face with good quality soap, avoid pore-clogging make-up, and moisturize!

Oh... and if you're still certain it's the wheat germ my first thought for a sub would be wheat bran or oat bran.


You could also add a vegan soy-free protein powder, and berries for Vitamin C and anti-oxidants.


You could also add a vegan soy-free protein powder, and berries for Vitamin C and anti-oxidants.

I had a similar reaction to oatmeal and soy-free protein powder has helped. acne no more review

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