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what sugars are best?

i HAVE to maintain a vegan diet strictly for 1 month and redo blood tests ,for a triglyceride problem, this isn't a problem, i Honestly don't mind.My Question(s) is /are just a matter of getting used to the strict ins and outs of certain items. My DR. is suggesting that with this 1 month vegan diet (that he doesn't know i will keep thereafter) that i observe with no sucrose, fructose, and no fat milks and cheeses. O.K. i can understand that, but being a chef i at least understand that the sugar you get from fruits is the way to go, hence i am concerned with the fat and sugar that is added to food (veg products). is it healthy fat and sugar. is evaporated cane juice acceptable?

Hi there and a warm welcome to VegWeb!  I hope you'll find this a useful resource.

I have to say that I am a little confused about what exactly you are asking.  As for the chemistry of sugars, if your doctor said specifically no sucrose or fructose, that means no fruit sugar or cane sugar (so evaporated cane juice would be a no-no, as well as any ingredient listed as sugar, glucose-fructose or just fructose).  Since maltose is a disaccharide formed from two glucose monomers, that might be okay. I don't see maltose in much other than natural candies, but you can have a look around yourself. Honey is composed mostly of fructose and maple syrup is mostly sucrose, so I suppose they are out. Other options include Stevia ( or  Stevia is about 200-300 times sweeter than sugar when in its powdered form, the higher the percentage of 'steviosides' the sweeter it will be (try getting one with a high percentage of 'rebaudiocides' too, because it'll be sweeter without the bitter aftertaste).  You can get it in an extract, powder or leaf form, and often the powder has been bulked up with a product like rice maltodextrin.  This is done because you need so much less stevia than sugar in recipes that the bulk of the sugar needs to be replaced with something to bake properly.  Stevia is a different sweet and also of a different chemical structure--so it does not behave in the way sugar does (ex. you cannot make a hard candy or caramel from it).  Be very careful when you use it because you need so very little!

That's about all I can think of right now for sugar.. but if you are looking for veg products, about the only processed thing you will find without sugar would be tofu--the others use sugar of some kind and often 'bad' unnatural fats.  Your best bet is to go with a very pure diet of unrefined foods without additives or preservatives.  Your body will be free of (most) toxins and you will find it very cleansing.  I hope I've been of some help!  Good luck and take care.


PS.  I've read that cardio and low-moderate carbohydrate diets containing essential fatty acids are good for lowering triglyceride levels.  A good way to get your fatty acids is through flax oil (use as base for a vinegrette), flax seeds (in baking or cereal) and hemp seeds (these are great!  I put some in my pancakes yesterday).


Sorry, I had another thought.  Are you looking for a meat substitute?  Is that why you are asking about veg products?  Because if you are, instead of buying processed stuff, you could always try an un-meatloaf (there's a great one on this site:, polenta, tempeh, TVP or seitan---depending on your mood and what you are going to put it in.  I mentioned tofu earlier, too... which you are probably already familiar with.


Hey thanx for the warm welcome! :) I am pretty secure with looking for "some" ready made products that are a. organic, b. are not loaded with or have any added sugar. the fat part of the equation could be a little mysterious. i enjoy avacados, and i know that they are "fatty". although they wouldnt be part of my diet every day or more than once a week i am sticking to the concept of vegetarianism, to help my body not "shock" into this lifestyle, and to THOUROGHLY understand the "ins and outs" as i mentioned before. Hey let me just say that i definately want to stick around for a looonnnngg time to see my son grow old, so i know this would be the way to start.
I'm sure i have a ton of questions  although i am drawing a blank right now.
Thank you  for your info!


Oh one other thing, i have a list of Q's that i will be asking my RX, especially if i intend to stay vegetarian-vegan, and it is more than possible that i'll be bouncing  some Q's your way.


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