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Vegan on vacation?

Hello all!
I'm going on a trip for five days with my church on Saturday. I went last year as a vegetarian and found it difficult to find things to eat other than iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and mac and it's gonna be impossible this year. My small group leader, who is also vegan, has talked to the event coordinator about our dilemna, and she said we were welcome to bring a small hard-sided cooler and use the kitchen to cook our own meals if needed. That means I can bring a limited amount of frozen and/or refrigerated foods as well as dry stuff, but I have to pack pretty light! Any suggestions for nutritious, quick meals, snacks etc that's either really easy to make/ready made or I can make beforehand and take?
Thanks for any help!

You might bring some pita and hummus--you can  get dried hummus mix in bulk at a co-op or HFS, just add water.  You can always add veggies the others are eating to create sandwiches or eat pita and hummus alone
I'd probably pack some dried fruit, too. I'm hoping they'll provide fresh fruit there?
How about some canned bean soups? Or how about the dried-just-add-water soups your local co-op may sell in bulk. Ours has a yummy split pea soup and some others with beans and rice.
I like peanuts and raisins or dried cranberries as a trail mix
soymilk in those little boxes you don't have to refrigerate


No fresh fruit! D: And really and truly, the only veggies are gonna be lettuce and tomatoes as the catering company is required to serve salad every time. I think they've had like green beans and creamed corn at one meal, but the green beans were completely pointless as they had pork in them.
I was planning on that, definitely. I looove hummus! I also looked at a few cans of soup, which would probably be a bit too heavy, lol, but there were a few dried soups I'll definitely have to get! The other stuff sounds good too, thanks so much for the help!!


Actually, sweet potatoes would be easy enough to cook up since you'll have a kitchen available.  The diet at this place sounds horrid even for omnivores.  Someone should really do something about it.  Baby carrots would keep pretty well in a cooler.


Another idea - Nature's burger dry mix.  You just add boiling water, form patties, then pan fry.  I haven't had Nature's burgers in a long time, but I used to love them when my family would go camping.  You can buy it in a box (Fantastic Foods is one brand) or in the bulk foods section of many grocery stores.


Make a bunch of burritos and freeze them.. Rice and beans, salsa, avocado, veggies. Take a huge tupperware of pasta and another one of stir fry- can put veggies in both. Then when you're hungry just microwave and enjoy. You can do it! Pack a lot of trail mix and granola bars- on vacation you don't want to spend time doing dishes and cooking, so do it all in advance  :>

When I go on vacation I google the place and vegan (like kauai vegan) and check to see what's around.


Thanks everyone for the great ideas!! My SGL got the menu from the caterer, so we're coordinating our meals with it. I'm gonna make & bring some granola bars, Clif bars, trail mix, veggie chips, hummus, cereal- all the snacks, and here's our menu. I'm pretty excited!

Pasta w/ sauce & "meatballs"
Vegan Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Veggie burgers (on thin everything bagel buns)
some kind of protein source (fake chicken or something)
Mac 'n' Chreese, green beans
Waffles and Soysage (Breakfast for Dinner Day)
black beans and avocados (taco day)

Thanks again for the help everyone! I'm looking forward to an awesome vegan vacation :D


Sounds great.  If you have a sweet tooth, don't forget to bring something for dessert!  Chocolate bars, or granola bars could do the trick too.

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