vegan desserts star of the party!!
Posted by emmzach on Oct 24, 2009 · Member since Apr 2007 · 77 posts
So I went to a Halloween party today and I took Chocolate Chip cookies (from this site) that i made in bar form, and pumpkin bread (from this site). The cookie bars were the first things completely eaten, and there were other chocolate cookies right next to them. The pumpkin bread was also devoured and people kept saying how good it was. I even heard someone say they had to get another piece before it was all gone!! I was so happy and my daughter was so pleased. She is always so proud of her mama's vegan treats!! :)>>>
This is great to hear! Pumpkin bread and chocolate chip cookies were solid choices. Sounds like you took very good care of your daughter and the Halloween guests.
yay that is so awesome... the carnivores don't even know what hit them ;)b