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vegan "cinch" choices

Rachel Ray had a guest named Cynthia Sass on her show today.  She has a new weight loss book called "Cinch".

The Cinch plan, as described, starts with 5 days of eatting from a fairly restricted list.  She said there were vegan choices, as well, but did not go into them.  I am curious!

Has anyone bought/read the book?  Will you share the list with me?

PS I think there is a diet plan with shakes and bars called cinch, but this isn't that.

If this link doesn't work... Go to Google books and type in Cinch then look in the table of contents and it will lists the vegan recipes. From the table of contents it does look like there are a good number of recipes.

I would really like to have a vegan review of the book though. I have been thinking about purchasing it. If I do I will let you know.

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