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Stuff you consider junkfood?

Okay since becoming a vegetarian and eating healthy I've tried to cut out anything that could be considered junkfood.  For example I won't eat store bought chips (might make my own though).  But I eat things like boca burgers, lightlife smart dogs, gimmelean sausage.  Do you consider that stuff junk.  But my biggest question is pretzels.  Hard rod pretzels.  I read about someone putting in oatmeal and that sounds heavenly but I don't want to be eating junk so what do you think, about the occasion pretzel rod in the oatmeal?

The more processed a thing is, and the less like it is when it comes from Nature, the closer it is to "junk." Particularly things that come in brightly coloured plastic bags or boxes with big lettering on the front...few of those things are food.

For a person who has to watch what they eat, a lot of the processed faux meat products and other "replacers" would qualify as junk. More processing, less nutrition is a good rule of thumb.

Pretzels in oatmeal? For breakfast?  ;D


Anything that isn't a whole food. But honestly, go by your own version of healthy and don't worry about what other people consider junk... you won't be eating anything by the time you are done.


I agree with hespedal:  the world is full of opinions and if you try to listen to them all, then you wouldn't be able to eat anything!  I myself don't eat junk, but I have to remind myself not to beat myself up when I do eat a little "junk" every once and awhile. 

To answer your question, I consider junk to be: overly packaged and contains ingredients that are not health promoting, understandable/complicated, or necessary (e.g. food coloring).


Somebody mentioned on another thread: if it will never spoil, it's not food. If it's so full of chemical preservatives that it lasts on the shelf forever...that's not just junkfood, it's garbage.


thanks.  and yeah crushed up pretzels in oatmeal!  the salty crunchyness sounds lovely no?


If it contains things that I can't pronounce, it is junk.


thanks.  and yeah crushed up pretzels in oatmeal!  the salty crunchyness sounds lovely no?

except for the fact that once you put it in oatmeal the pretzels would absorb water and not be crunchy anymore  ???


I am all for moderation in all things. If you restrict your diet too drastically, then you'll be MORE prone to eat an entire bag of whatever in one sitting. Eating food should be pleasurable, and healthy food tastes good iif prepared correctly. But a treat now and then is good for the soul. Try not to worry too much about how others label food, and ask yourself if A.) Do I enjoy the taste, and B.) Is it healthy?...If the answer is yes to both, problem solved. If you answer" yes" to question A only, then eat a small portion of that food once a week, and SAVOR it.


most things from a box that are high in fat/ calories and dessert of course


thanks.  and yeah crushed up pretzels in oatmeal!  the salty crunchyness sounds lovely no?

except for the fact that once you put it in oatmeal the pretzels would absorb water and not be crunchy anymore  ???

Depends on how fast you eat it. 

I really appreciate the help everybody!  I feel now that I can loosen up a little now especially with the holidays coming and knowing a piece of candy or two won't kill me as long as I keep it to that. 


As my nutritionist put it: One brick doesn't make a wall. However, if you get enough bricks together, you'll soon have the Great Wall of China.


but I don't want to be eating junk....

i think you should decide what you want to eat - it's your body, after all.  junk food is a pretty relative with a wide spectrum of what is "junk" and what is not.  if you want pretzels in your oatmeal, i say do it!  :)


i think you should decide what you want to eat - it's your body, after all.  junk food is a pretty relative with a wide spectrum of what is "junk" and what is not.  if you want pretzels in your oatmeal, i say do it!  :)

The problem is that I used to have a real weight problem and I don't want to go back down that road again so I avoid what I think can start the weight piling back on.


nestle 25 calorie packs of hot chocolate.


nestle 25 calorie packs of hot chocolate.

lol... hilarious!


nestle 25 calorie packs of hot chocolate.

+1 lmao


I was wondering when someone would bring this thread up again, hehehe ;)


In a vegan diet I really don't think there's anything in there that's junk. We eat pretty good and healthy.

I think unless your overdosing  on alot of salty foods at one time,  sweet foods at one time and fatty foods (that are high in fat) at one time. I consider that junk.


Wayneshep! judging from your pic I think you'd be ok indulging from a few treats.  It'd take ALOT before you were even close to fat.  So enjoy your life and food, as the saying goes "you only live once".  :)

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