Posted by chickpea27 on Oct 10, 2011 · Member since Jul 2007 · 465 posts
do any of you use stevia as a sweetener? I use truvia in my tea and stevia in the raw sometimes when i bake. is stevia really a natural sweetener? is it good for you? i just want to hear other people's takes on it.
I know I'm an oddball but I had the same problem with powdered stevia that I do with all artificial sweetners (yes I know, it's not artificial, but the effect was the same). It didn't taste sweet to me, and left a metalllic aftertaste in my mouth. It's probably just me, but it didn't work for me at all. I use so little sugar that I switched to panela (whole cane sugar). Putting stevia in my coffee or tea was just like using saccharine or whatever, it spoiled it.
I also think stevia tastes "fake sweet" or chemicaly. I'll occasionally get a diet soda or juice that's made with stevia, but I don't buy it to use at home.
Thank you, Fufu. Now I don't feel so alone.
I think stevia tastes weird too. To me it's like splenda, where things that are supposed to be regular sweetness wind up ULTRA SWEET and have that odd chemical taste.
i actually like saccharin better, in small amounts.
i nearly always use stevia in my coffee and i love the taste. although it does have an aftertaste i like it enough to get over it. ive never used it in baking but i rarely bake so when i do i go all out with real sugar and earth balance and such.
Maybe it takes getting used to. It does taste super fake sweet but, I'm getting used to it. I tried a 50/50 sugar and stevia mix and then moved onto full stevia. It's supposed to be good for you and not affect blood sugar levels.