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soup ideas?????

So I love soup and I am trying to lose weight and supposedly soup helps with that cause it is usually low calorie and filling.

I am allergic to tomatoes and I didn't know that til recently so I am trying to avoid them.  Most of the soup I used to make had tomatoes in it. I love lentil soup and chili and I liked just plain out tomato soup too.

Do you have any ideas for jam up yummy soup that doesn't have tomato in it?    Any lentil soup recipe without tomato?  Also I maintain a pretty close to vegan diet.

Lately I have been eating:

Potato soup
Corn and potato chowder ( out of the big book of vegetarian)   
I made this chickpea soup that had chickpeas and onion and some mushrooms it was yummy and a spur of the moment concoction.

You might find some ideas here:


Check Vegweb Recipes: Soup as well. Yup, there's a whole category just for soup recipes!


tons of good soup here
miso soup is light but filling
there is a corn soup on here that is pureed corn, soy milk and cayenne pepper that is really good


I love a soup that I make of cauliflower and broccoli. Just boil a head of both cauliflower and broccoli until it starts to get soft when you poke it with a fork. Take them out of the water, add them to enough veg stock to cover them, blitz it down, and then add a bit of soy milk for creaminess. I season it with white pepper, garlic, and cumin...but, the seasoning can be varied to suit your own tastes.

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