Posted by itsybitsykristy on Sep 04, 2009 · Member since Sep 2008 · 155 posts
I am looking for a slushy machine type thing, and the closest thing i've found is this: Rival FS300WT Ice Cream Machine -Icey Slushy Frozen Drink Maker
BUT i live in Canada so I can't have it shipped to me. I know this is totally off topic for anything, and please know this item will be used in a vegan way, will not be used for icecream.
so here it is.. i'm wondering if one of you lovely vegwebbers would be willing to ship it out to me once i get it off amazon..
i really don't know any other way. it's for a bday gift.
if anyone has any other suggestions, i'd love to know... i need this by next friday... eeep!
PS closest thing i've found in canada is the margaritaville thing and it's 239$!!!!
Can't help with the shipping stuff, I'm in Canada too.
Have you checked zellars and london drugs and the like?
Or Craigslist
Totaly reminds me of my "snoopy snow cone machine" I had as a kid. Ice in the top, crank the handle, mmmmmmm
You can still buy these things!! At no less:
LMAO, i should totally get him that!!! it'd be hilarious.
no this guy is hardcore, he almost bought a $2,000 slushie machine. i'm determined to find one within the 40-150 range. lol
just go to google shopping and type in slushy maker, there are a bunch that pop up in your price range.
Hey ibk, how have you been?
Hey ibk, how have you been?
My thoughts exactly.
Hey ibk, how have you been?
My thoughts exactly.
Right? I didn't even read the post. Slushy makers are exciting though.
lol, thanks. I found one!! :) it's a shady warehouse in mississauga, I hope they don't take my money and run.
kissmekate, things are going well, still going through the divorce sitch. He just got served and I'm now sueing him for half the business. :) :D
whoops and ally.
can't believe you guys remember me, been so long! :) nice to know there's awesome peeps out there still rooting for me! :)>>>
I'm glad he got served!
Our school sells fruit juice slushies after school now for the kiddies. It's pretty awesome.