rennet free cheese
Posted by applelover on Dec 01, 2006 · Member since Dec 2006 · 119 posts
I am a strict vegetarian (not vegan, though I used to be) and I do not eat rennet. I usually avoid eating cheese in public places, especially the hard cheeses, in case it contains rennet. Does anyone have some quick rules they use to know whether cheese has rennet? I always play on the safe side, especially with cheddar, but it would be nice to know which ones are ok. Thanks!
I've heard that soft cheeses, ie. feta, gouda, brie, fresh mozzarella, ect., almost never use rennet as their firming enzymes, just because it's not usually necessary. So I suppose when you're out, you might want to try anything that uses those? Hard cheeses like cheddar will be harder to judge, so I couldn't help you out there.
I think this is a great post because i have a same issue too.
Anyway, last time I went to co-op, I checked the ingredients for feta, and it did contain rennet. There may be some feta that does not contain rennet, but I doubt it. Indian cheese does not contain rennet (but I don't know where I can buy them :'()
It's not anything to do with "rule" outside of your kitchen, but you can eat Philadelphia Creem Cheese. Kraft's website states that it does not contain rennet. (
Other than that, I try to avoid cheese in public place (just like you ;)) just because I don't know whether it contains rennet.
tillammook cheese (the kosher kind) is animal rennet free. i purchased some at a trader joes once and it actually said that they used vegetable based rennet however, the tillamook cheese at my local chain grocery store has animal based rennet and it clearly states it on the package. someone mentioned a list from tader joes that states animal free rennet and i too have this list. it is lengthy but worth it to request a copy from there website.
Cabot cheeses are readily found around here in the grocery stores. From their webiste:
You gotta love Google.
Kosher rennet is something I am unsure of, because I once read something about it containing fish (which I do not eat). My favourite cream cheese has kosher rennet (St.Urbain Bagel - it's amazing) as an ingredient and so I do not eat it anymore. Does anyone know anything about kosher rennet? Maybe there is no fish in it after all? :D
Check out this link:
I cannot attest to the accuracy of this page as I eat very little cheese, but it may be a starting point.
it is best to avoid restaurant never know where it comes from.although i have asked a local pizza shop for their brand and did some research on my own, contacted the company (bellissimo) and alas! i can eat it!! ;D
the type of cheese doesnt matter. rennet could be in all of them.though cream cheese and ricotta are usually safe. i have never found one that wasnt... so far anyway.
as far as buying it yourself... there are alot of brands out there that are rennet free.
as others have said.... cabot (except for private stock) , sargento, so me polly-o products... Parmesean seems to be the hardest to find for me... which sucks cuz its the one i actually miss!
Trader joes has a list usually in the store. i have also contacted whole foods, and im my area, their cheeses are ok... but it depends where you are, because their suppliers are regional. you also have to make sure you get the right package/type.. for example, sometimes a shredded cheese may be okay but the solic form may not, etc. its tricky.
A great site that has been invaluable to me over the years is the Vegetarian Resource Group...
they have a handout of "whats in your cheese" and also a "restaurant/fast food guide.... whichd gives you a huge list of okay cheeses and the fast food guide will tell yo r what is acceptable to eat as a veg... and points out any hidden ingredients. for example... wendy's no-cheeseburger-sandwich i s rennet free.
of course, restaurants are notorious for switching things up at a moments notice, so try to keep up w/ your fave places.
good luck.
Outstanding link, lucidanne!