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Questions on Baking Extracts (vanilla, chocolate, caramel, etc.)

I have a few questions on baking extracts and thought I'd lump them all in one thread. If you know the answer to any or all of these question, I thank you profusely in advance.

What's the best type of alcohol to use to make your own vanilla extract?

What stores carry caramel extract? I know they sell it online but I was hoping to find it at a local store, or exchange with someone here on VegWeb.

I bought chocolate extract(and it wasn't cheap either!) and wasn't particularly wowed by it. Anyone else have the same experience?

Is butter extract vegan? I saw this one at my local Michael's and wasn't sure.

yeah, that's what the extract usually is. I've made that with alcohol too, though I used a load of peppermint and it was green.

i've had frosting made with the fake butter flavor and don't like it at all, but i guess some people are into it. I think the bakery that uses it does so just because the frosting's vegan and must be "missing" the butter flavor. I was used to frosting from a jar as a kid, so I fully expect partially hydrogenated flavor.


uh, and almond extract belongs with the "BEST extracts" too. Srsly.


yeah, that's what the extract usually is. I've made that with alcohol too, though I used a load of peppermint and it was green.

i've had frosting made with the fake butter flavor and don't like it at all, but i guess some people are into it. I think the bakery that uses it does so just because the frosting's vegan and must be "missing" the butter flavor. I was used to frosting from a jar as a kid, so I fully expect partially hydrogenated flavor.

hmmm okay!
"partially hydrogenated flavor" lolz

uh, and almond extract belongs with the "BEST extracts" too. Srsly.

right, good call  ;)b


The butter flavor is vegan. Its only 3 ingredients (well one is artificial flavors so technically its probably more). And our cake instructor has had vegans in her class who have used it.

I only have vanilla and peppermint extract, because I'm lame.

Thanks for checking, underSARAH. Knowing it's vegan now I will try and so I like the butter flavor.


uh, and almond extract belongs with the "BEST extracts" too. Srsly.

Definitely. Vanilla, almond, maple and lemon are probably my most used extracts.


uh, and almond extract belongs with the "BEST extracts" too. Srsly.

Definitely. Vanilla, almond, maple and lemon are probably my most used extracts.

maple and lemon are not allowed in the best category though.


I have a hazelnut extract that is hazelnut-y. It's boxed up right now because I'm moving. I got it at my local hfs

I just got some hazelnut extract. What recipes is this good for?


Am I the only one who bakes with Frangellica to subsitute for Hazelnut extract?!

And I just finished the last of my chocolate extract this weekend.  I liked to add it to create a depth of flavor in what I bake.  So you dont just add extract to chocolate cupcakes, you add vanilla extract, chocolate extract, a pinch of cinnamon, a splash of coffee and a hit of Frangellica.  That way its chocolatey but with interesting layers that people enjoy but cant always define.

And Lemon Extract is right up there with Vanilla Bean Paste as the most awesome extracts evar! EVAR!!!



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