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Questions about tofu and soymilk making?

Okay, I tried for the second time to make tofu and this time it was a dismal failure. 

Okay, I have a SoyaPower soymilk maker.  I make two batches of soymilk to make tofu.  I have noticed that there is sediment in the soymilk despite the fact that it is processed and run through a filter cup.  I do get a filter-cup full of okara when I make soymilk, but there is still that sediment in the soymilk.  Last time I made tofu, the tofu kind of came out dry, and didn't hold together real well when I cooked it, so I figured it was due to that sediment.  So this time, I ran the soymilk through some cheesecloth before adding the coagulant.  I was surprised at the amount of sediment I got out.  Once that was done, I warmed the soymilk back up to about 170 degrees.  I added the packet of coagulater just as I did last time I made tofu (magnesium cloride) and left it for about 20 minutes.  It coagulated, but this time it never formed into big hunks like last time, but I said okay, and put it into the tofu press anyway.  It never pressed.  The water would not come out.  I put the top on, put some wieght on it, exactly like last time, but this time, it never formed a block and pressed.  It was like super duper silken, so silken that it wouldn't even hold together in a block shape. 

So I went from too hard and dry, to too soft and the only thing I did differently was strain that sediment out.  So now I am wondering if that sediment is SUPPOSED to be there?  Maybe I filted too much of it out?  It was a shame that all that work amounted to nothing.  I wasted a cup of soybeans, and all that time and effort for about a tbsp of tofu mush (most of it went down the drain). 

Any suggestions?

So you have tried both extremes; leaving the sediment in and removing it completely.  Next time filter just one batch of the soymilk and see how that tofu comes out.  That should let you know if it was the sediment or not.  Be sure you get the right temperatures and time everything exactly to keep the experiment consistent.

And that super silken tofu would probably be great in a smoothie.

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