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Question for VWers in Germany

I know we have some!
I bought some "fruchtee" in Aldi, which is made of rosehips, hibiscus, dried apple, elderberry and sometimes orange peel. The instructions say to pour boiling water over the mixture and allow it to infuse for 10 min to get the goodness.
My question: I want to start making cold tea. Can I put the mixture in the fridge overnight as I do for "sun tea" with regular black tea, or does it need the hot water to release the flavour etc? Has anyone tried it this way? I need a cold, refreshing drink to encourage myself to get enough water but I'm trying to avoid China tea.

If you joined facebook, you could ask jennifer.  See the perks?


Meh. I'll wait and see if some of our German ladies answer.


Who are the VW Germans?


My bf says that a coworker of his makes rosehip tea with hot water and then puts it in the fridge and it's delicious. It would probably work just putting it in cold water overnight though. I often keep my used herbal teabag in my mug and pour cold water on it and get a slight flavor but when it sits overnight it tastes very tea-y.


Im in denmark, No german or danish.

But why not just try and see what happens,  if its terrible cold and what not then just warm it on the stove? I dont think you can ruin tea that easy. Just experiment a little.

i also dont have facebook, YAY


Who are the VW Germans?

Well, Wassernixe is in Asia but she lived in Germany for awhile. And Ktkimmle. I don't know if Jennifer ever checks in anymore. I had her email from before but she never responded, which made me sad.


oh Jenniferhughes! Yeah, haven't seen her in a while.

I agree with ampallang.


Hi! I'm in Geneva, Switzerland...I trapese across the border to France everyday :). No german for me, mais je parle francais si tu veux!


Hi! I'm in Geneva, Switzerland...I trapese across the border to France everyday :). No german for me, mais je parle francais si tu veux!

Euh...mortelle, alors. Desolée.  :-[ Mixing Germany and Switzerland up is almost as bad as mixing France and Belgium, particularly if the person you're talking to/about is Belgian. I lost a job opportunity doing that, once. Sorry. But do they have fruchtee there?

Algae is in there, Algae?


Yeah, I guess I'll have to do that, I was hoping I could skip the boiling but these dried up bits are quite big and quite hard, I think they need the hot water to soften them so they can release the flavours (and any health bits).

Basically I'm just trying to wean myself off regular China tea.


Is this the tea that doesn't come in the teabag, but rather the little granules from a jar? I was wondering about those...


Hi! I'm in Geneva, Switzerland...I trapese across the border to France everyday :). No german for me, mais je parle francais si tu veux!

Euh...mortelle, alors. Desolée.  :-[ Mixing Germany and Switzerland up is almost as bad as mixing France and Belgium, particularly if the person you're talking to/about is Belgian. I lost a job opportunity doing that, once. Sorry. But do they have fruchtee there?

I think Switzerland would rather be confused with Germany than France, at least the Suisse Romande area  ;)


Is this the tea that doesn't come in the teabag, but rather the little granules from a jar? I was wondering about those...

No teabag, but no granules either. It's great big chunks of dried plant-bits sold loose in a big bag. Well, OK, not great big chunks, but sizeable. Like a quarter to a half-inch. It's Aldi's store brand "Westminster" and the manufacturer says Markus Kaffee GmbH and Co, from Weyhe. I got three kinds: Strawberry/Raspberry, Forest Fruits, and Cherry. And yet they seem to have the same ingredients in all 3, none of which are soft fruit. They all have dried apple, rose hip, hibiscus blossoms and elderberry, some have orange peel, and they all have "aroma".

I tried the granulated stuff once but it was full of sugar and calories and tasted really fake-processed. At least this, you can see the bits and know they come from plants. I'm not thrilled with the "aroma" but hey.

I have a couple of glass jars in the DW that aren't humoungous so I will try the cold water method when they're clean. Right now a cold front has just moved in so I'm still boiling water, but in a week or two we'll be turning on the AC I'm sure.

(Item, I love the city name "Weyhe." It sounds like an English guy doing a sort of "Hold my beer and watch this" stunt--Wa-hey!


YG - that is the kind of tea i make. it's "loose herbal tea" over here.

i feel funny saying that because you have been over here :)

Don't feel funny. The last time I was over there was in 1996; and the time before that, in 1991. I've spent most of my life over here.


awwwwww okay. sweetness. i knew you had been in spain for a long long time but wasn't sure when you moved.

For permanent, early 1983.


OK, so I did what y'all said. I put it in cold water in the fridge, added some sugar and shook it hard to dissolve. It needs to be a bit stronger or to be left for longer, but it's definitely doable. Kind of like Koolaid but healthier and not so sweet.


hurrah!! :)
today I saw a bag of fruchtee in a bio markt and thought of you :)

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