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pressing tofu?

Sorry, this may be a silly question ??? but what does "pressing tofu" entail?  How should I do it?

Hi! Pressing tofu just means to squeeze/press it to squeeze the extra liquid out. There's severel ways you can do this. The method I use is to cut the tofu in half horizontally so that I have two thin rectangles. I wrap them each in a paper towel, then wrap them side by side in a clean kitchen towel. I place this on a cutting board, place a second cutting board on top of them, and carefully place a couple of heavy cans on top of the top cutting board. I leave them like this for ten or fifteen minutes - sometimes if i want it even drier I'll remove the wet towel, rewrap the tofu in a dry one, and give it a second pressing. At this point the tofu will be incredibly dry and ready to soak up any sauces or marinades :)


Thank you so much for the tip! ;D


That's what I do.  I slice it into thinner slices than the person above, wrap in paper towels and a towel, put in a plate and stack other plates on top of it for about 10 to 20 minutes.  :)

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