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Need ways to use besan (chickpea flour) Heliamphora? Anybody?

I direct this to Heliamphora, because she often mentions using besan/gram/chickpea flour, but anyone can play!

I went to the Asian market yesterday and among other stuff I brought home some chickpea flour. The local pseudo organic brand (and I know whereof I speak, it's not) was like 3 Euros for a pound. The Indian import bag was 5 lbs for a little bit more. Me being of farming stock, of course I bought the big bag! But then, when I got it home, it looked Soooo much bigger than it had in the shop! And five pounds (2 kg) is a lot of chickpea flour. I know about bahji, but what other recipes can I put it in? Can it be used like wheat flour, say in banana bread or similar? I know that lately a local bakery advertises garbanzo bread.


I can suggest a couplke of my recipes that would steal your heart.


AAAaannnd I think I could use this base to make flatbread. The rice flour flatbreads I tried flopped horribly (in every sense of the word!) but this sounds like it might work.


That dhokla looks yummy!  I would eat embarrassing amounts of it :)


That dhokla looks yummy!  I would eat embarrassing amounts of it :)

It is so easy to cook!!



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