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Looking for a suitable substitute

I'm trying to convert a cake filling recipe to vegan.  It calls for 1 can of sweetened condensed milk and 3/4 cup whipping cream among other things (juice and flavorings).  What could I substitute that would give me the smooth thickness that I'd normally get from these two ingredients?  Would appreciate some advice...and thanks in advance.  :hrmm:

I've used a can of coconut milk before and it makes cakes really moist.


If you're looking to stick as close as possible to the original recipe, here are a couple of ideas.

For sweetened condensed milk:  I haven't tried it so I have no idea how it tastes.

For the whipping cream, I would try either Silk creamer or Mimicreme.  One of them should be available at your local HFS.

Make sure to let us know how it turns out!!


Maybe coconut cream for the whipping cream?  I guess you can get it canned or by skimming the fat off of coconut milk, like in this recipe: Vegan tres leches.  I haven't tried it myself (although I'm eager to try the cake!), but it looks like it would be similar to whipping cream and I think you can actually whip it.

Do you need to whip the cream?  I'm not sure if soy creamer would have enough fat to whip.  It looks like mimiccreme doesn't whip either.  If whipping isn't needed, those could work though.

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