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Kombucha tea?

Has anyone heard of the Kombucha tea? I found it a couple months ago while browsing random websites, and the whole idea has been stuck in my head since then. I actually joined a yahoo! group and asked for a culture (it reproduces every time you brew), so hopefully I'll be making my own tea by this time next week. I'm still curious, though - has anyone else ever heard of this tea?

Does anyone know how to make the Kombucha Culture, aka Mother?  I would love to know how to start it.

I remember when my mom used to make this when I was a kid.  I've been trying to find out what the name of it is, off and on for about 2 years.  My niece called me this evening from L.A. and told me about this tea that everyone out there is drinking. We figured out that it's the same stuff I've been thinking about.  Thank goodness that puzzle has been solved! 

So, my aunt told me that her friend who lives out of state used to make the culture.  That is if her memory serves her well. 

Please, let me know if you know anything about starting the culture.



I'm hoping to start a commuinty-sharing chain, kind of like friendship bread, only Kombucha Tea!

Yes!  I remember that stuff....trick is just getting a hold of a starter....

I wanna learn how to start my own, too!
I love kombucha, but it is rather expensive.  Does anyone have a link to a thorough explanation (as in, clear enough for n00bs to follow) of how to get the stuff started?  preferably from a knowledgeable source, one NOT trying to sell me anything?    :smileteeth:


I drink it regularly, but I'd be a little afraid to grow it on my own. I've heard of some pretty nasty things happening with the bacteria in home brews. I think I'll be sticking to GT's for now.


I just acquired a "mother" yesterday!  I have it in my fridge.....want to start brewing soon. Anyone still doing this?
I have a recipe to follow but I'm scared for some reason. I feel like I'm going to mess it up.


I'm bumping this thread...anyone still making their own kombucha? I want to start SOON! :D


i want to start too, but i am afraid...i am considering ordering through happy herbalist and brewing my own but i am just a little nervous about it.  are there any cheaper, reputable sources for mothers??? anyone know of anyone growing kombucha in hampton roads that has a baby that i could start from??? wild shot in the dark, i know, but i figured it was worth a try!


awesome kombucha story:

so i send an email over the local freecycle network, indicating that i'd like to start a kombucha culture, and wanted to know if anyone had any scobies/ kits/ etc; also, to see if anyone wanted to start a kombucha community circle--- like, to get more people involved, share scobies, etc....

got an email back, and of all the 3000+ people on the hampton roads network, one of my old supervisors has a kit and is going to give me a whole setup, and show me how to get it started! :)

so i'd encourage anyone looking to get started, consult a local freecycle group.


NICE!!! :)


so two days ago i went and picked up the kit...its awesome, 2 sun tea jars, another jar, and a kombucha 'hotel' jar with about 10 kombuchas living in starter!  i got the two sun tea jars started yesterday evening, and tonight i'm going to get the other jar going.  i'm probably going to have about three SCOBYs left... i think im going to send a freecycle email out offering them to someone local who wants to get started!


i tried some (store bought passion fruit flavor) it does taste really vinegar-ry but i like it for some reason :) brewing my own sounds a bit intense though i'm scared


i tried some (store bought passion fruit flavor) it does taste really vinegar-ry but i like it for some reason :) brewing my own sounds a bit intense though i'm scared

After reading these posts yesterday, I picked up a bottle of the Ginger flavored stuff up from Whole Foods today. I'm officially hooked. I'm not really sure if I believe all of the health benefits listed on the side of the bottle, but I like the strange taste of it. I think I'm going to try brewing it. I don't think you have anything to be afraid of amymylove, it seems pretty straight forward. I've been brewing beer for the last 3 years, so maybe I'm a little less timid about the whole brewing task. I say go for it!


ya u r probably a skilled pro with the brewing thing... if it works out well let me know... maybe i will give it a shot if it's not too difficult because 1 small bottle is like $2.50 :(


ya u r probably a skilled pro with the brewing thing... if it works out well let me know... maybe i will give it a shot if it's not too difficult because 1 small bottle is like $2.50 :(

yeah amymylove, i started buying it after i got hooked, and here its more than $2.50 so i decided to try doing my own.  my first round of batches will be done by next Wednesday.


I posted something on FB about brewing my own a few weeks ago, and a FB friend (the Vegan.Com owner) mentioned that he had a friend who's sister got extremely ill (institutionalized) after brewing her own. I've decided to still go forward with it, but with caution. There are dangers, but I know enough people who do it properly that I think it can be safe.

Just thought I'd mention that, since I do think it should be gone about with awareness & a respect for all that's involved!

With that said, bring on the scoby!!


I posted something on FB about brewing my own a few weeks ago, and a FB friend (the Vegan.Com owner) mentioned that he had a friend who's sister got extremely ill (institutionalized) after brewing her own. I've decided to still go forward with it, but with caution. There are dangers, but I know enough people who do it properly that I think it can be safe.

Just thought I'd mention that, since I do think it should be gone about with awareness & a respect for all that's involved!

With that said, bring on the scoby!!

at first i was hesitant, and decided not to start my own brew, but after doing the research, and drawing my own conclusions, and getting a SCOBY and setup from a trusted source, i felt comfortable with starting my own.  i would've included notes about this in the thread, but felt everyone here would be sensible enough to do the same; if not, be careful not to contaminate and cross-contaminate!


vabeachraw, where did you get your scoby? I've been watching on Craigslist, but all I find are wanted posts for them?


vabeachraw, where did you get your scoby? I've been watching on Craigslist, but all I find are wanted posts for them?

freecycle... go to to find out about your local group.


okay i have a question... is it safe to grow your own scoby? it seems pretty easy peasy according to this:

do you guys think this is safe or should i try to get a scoby from someone?


okay i have a question... is it safe to grow your own scoby? it seems pretty easy peasy according to this:

do you guys think this is safe or should i try to get a scoby from someone?

honestly, i got a scoby from someone i trusted, and tried using the scoby-from-scratch method; but i didn't trust it.  hahaha


i just bought a "mushroom" from only need to buy 1 right?  i'm a little worried about growing my own too... VBR are you still brewing your own kombucha? have you tried making it flavored? sorry i just have so many questions i don't even know where to start... i hope i still wanna drink the stuff after seeing that creepy looking "mushroom" floating around lol



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