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Ingredient cooking challenge, Final week: fresh basil and/or pumpkin

We are going to do an ingredient cooking challenge, starting after the blog recipe cooking challenge is completed. This will be a great opportunity to try some new ingredients, new dishes with ingredients, and just to have fun with cooking, and talking about food. There are 13 weeks/13 ingredients, and the last week will be a surprise challenging ingredient. Try to make dishes that have the ingredient as the star, or one of the main ingredients. Get recipes from books, blogs, wherever! Come back, and talk about them.

Feel free to discuss where you've found your ingredients. Some things might be harder to find in certain areas.

1. okra (Jan.25-31) (look in fresh produce, frozen)
2. quinoa (Feb. 1-7) (look with grains, bulk bins, "health" food)
3. kale (Feb. 8-14) (look in fresh produce)
4. plantains (Feb. 15-21) (look in fresh produce, ethnic markets)
5. avocado (Feb. 22-28) (look in fresh produce)
6. edamame (Mar. 1-7) (look in frozen)
7. jackfruit (Mar. 8-14) (look in ethnic aisles, markets)
8. barley (Mar. 15-21) (look in grains, bulk bins)
9. wild mushrooms (Mar. 22-28) (look in fresh produce, spices (or wherever dried mushrooms can be found)
10. collard greens (Mar. 29-Apr. 4) (look in fresh produce)
11. tarragon (Apr. 5-11) (look in fresh produce, spice aisle, bulk bins)
12. nuts and seeds (Apr 12-18)

13. basil and/or pumpkin (Apr. 19-26)

TheEnergy Cookies recipe in Vive le Vegan! is loaded with nuts and seeds so I decided to bake them again for this week's ingredient cooking challenge. (Think I made them before for the barley challenge.) A lot of good stuff happening in these cookies. This time I used flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter(to replace the oil), and hemp milk(for the non-dairy milk since I didn't have hemp seeds).

Unlike most energy bars or breakfast treats, this recipe uses no refined sugars, no wheat or bleached flours, no corn syrup and no butter or margarine. The maple and molasses boost the flavor in these, too. Also, glad that this recipe makes a small batch so you could use a toaster oven instead of heating up a big oven. Packed with protein, iron, grain flours, the cookies are guilt-free, filling and a great breakfast- on-the-go or hiking/bicycling/workout snack. There's so much happening in this cookie though that next time I think I'll focus on a few flavors or combinations like peanut butter-carob or carob coconut or oatmeal nut raisin.

If anyone is interested, I found the recipe on this website.
Energy Cookies (p. 38)
These treats are full of natural goodness and just enough sweetness to be called cookies.
Pack them in lunches, or take them on outings, hikes or whenever you need an energy pick-me-up!

1/2 cup + 1 tbsp barley flour
1/4 cup spelt flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup hemp seed nuts
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup raisins or other dried fruit, chopped
3-4 tbsp non-dairy chocolate chips or carob chips
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp flax meal
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
2 tbsp non-dairy milk
1-1 1/2 tsp blackstrap molasses
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 tbsp canola oil
Preheat oven to 350°F (176°C). In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients except the flax meal, mixing well. In another bowl, combine the flax meal with the maple syrup and milk, and stir through. Add the molasses, vanilla, and canola oil and stir through. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and stir through until well combined. Drop spoonfuls of the batter (about 2 tbsp each) on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten a little and bake for 13-14 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 1 minute on sheet, then transfer to a cooling rack.

Makes 10-12 cookies.


Those sound amazing! My book has shipped, and I can't wait!


Didn't know Viva was out.  It's on my wish list.


It's the last week!

I combined the nuts/seeds and basil weeks to make an unusual (for me) pesto. I did toasted almond slivers with sesame seeds. It's good! I'll probably get some more basil to try to do something different. It's my favorite.

Thanks for joining with me in the challenge!

We can decide if we want to continue on with something? Take a break? Be free?



Mildly sweet and packed with pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, oats, wheat germ, dried cranberries, the Fruity Oat Bars in Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar are very good, nutritious and filling. Using dried unsweetened coconut as my add-in complemented the other flavors nicely.

I made some substitutions based on the ingredients on hand. I subbed brown rice flour for the spelt flour, oat bran for some of the wheat germ and agave for the brown rice syrup. This produced a delicious little oaty bar, but one that was rather crumbly. After I cut the bars into squares, and removed from pan there were a bunch of crumbs left in the pan. (I noticed another reviewer got crumbly bars too.) So I scooped the fruity, oaty crumbs with a spoon into a bowl and enjoyed them, like cereal, with soy milk. Delicious as a bar or as a cereal.


Sorry. That last review was meant for the Nuts and Seeds cooking challenge.

Fresh basil and/or pumpkin--great choices, AC!


Thanks, sask! Those sound great, too. Good job!


I freaking love pumpkin soup. I thought it was one of the weirdest things when I moved to Holland, but it has grown on me. You can add crushed peanuts or peanut butter if you want to make it more creaming. Here is a link to the Veg Family site with a recipe I like.

It's one of the many reason I'm actually happy I got Celiac, because it led me to cook which made me think about what I was eating and the reason I went veg.




fresh basil is wonderful.  I am a sucker for pestos, and make them using everything.  I make a pumpkin seed pesto I love. Yesterday I made a creamy pasta sauce w/ blended cashews, roasted garlic, lemon juice, kale ( I threw on the stove in a little OOil for about 5 minute first.)and basil...(and some more oil when blending.)kinda like a pesto, kinda like a cream sauce.  I put mushrooms and brocolli in the pasta, and bada-boom yummy yummy pasta! love basil!



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