Ice Cream Maker-less
Posted by Minke on Jun 06, 2010 · Member since Feb 2010 · 3503 posts
I have Wheeler del Torro's book The Vegan Scoop and I've had it for a while now but haven't been able to make anything out of it yet. I don't know why I didn't notice this when I was at the store but every single recipe says to use an ice cream maker and I don't have one. I've made ice cream before without one by putting it in the freezer and every few hours getting it out to blend and stir it. Think I can just do that instead of using an ice cream maker? Any other ways of making it that I should consider?
I don't really want to buy an ice cream maker because I'm just moving back into a dorm in a few months and can't bring it with me.
I've been curious about this too, since I already have quite a number of kitchen gadgets and we're running out of space. I haven't tried it yet, but according to this: Ice cream without a machine - it seems like your freeze and stir method should work.
There's also Ice cream in a ziploc bag - I remember doing this when I was a kid.
Or, quite similar to the ice cream in a bag method, there's those ice cream maker balls. I hear they're a pain to actually use because you need to keep it rolling and the ball is really heavy.
Awesome! Thank you :) I'm going to try a recipe and see if it works.
I don't have ANY room for an electronic (especially such a large one) in my kitchen either!
I have a very small ice cream maker and it's totally worth it. Can you buy one once you move into the dorm? I got mine used for 10 euros. I'm sure you could find a cheap one once you move and then even sell it if you have to move again. Do it do it do it!
No, I won't be able to. Dorms don't have freezers and our refridgerators are only allowed to be a certain size. Plus, I won't be able to have the ingredients anymore.
Oh, that sucks. When I lived in a dorm we had community kitchens. I guess I was lucky.