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How old is too old?

So I still have veggies in my fridge from last Thursday's farmers market and I need stuff for the coming week. The broccoli is already a no go and the kale and cabbage is on its way to spoiling. Busy workweek and hardly got to cook and it's been so freakin hot in St. Louis...blah

* I don't compost and it seems...complicated.

Use your own judgment... Don't eat something that's nasty... Just try to plan and buy better next time :)


Yeah, it depends.  When in doubt, throw it out.  It's not worth making yourself sick.

For veggies, I throw out anything that has mold on it.  Never eat anything with black mold growing on it, especially - that can really make you sick.  If it's slimy or dried up, I also toss it.  If the spinach is only slightly wilted, I will eat it cooked.  Most veggies I will try to eat within a week, but some things seem to last a bit longer (broccoli, carrots).  If it still looks and feels fresh, I will generally use it.

Composting is not too hard - we have an Earth Machine compost bin (really just an upside down bucket with a lid on the top), so we just throw in kitchen scraps, paper towels (ones used without soap or chemical cleaners) and napkins, grass clippings, leaves, etc.  We turn it occasionally.  If you have a spot for a small compost pile or bin, you should give it a try.  It really reduces guilt in throwing away food, and it's perfect for vegans since you can compost everything you eat (with the exception of oil, if you deep fry things).


It really depends.  I get vegetables from a CSA that were harvested the day of pickup.  Those seem to keep for a long time, as in over a week.  Many vegetables I get from the store spoil within a few days, but God only knows how long ago they were picked.  For cooked foods, I'd say less than 3-5 days.  Composting is easy.  I really need to get back in the habit.  I usually compost in the summer but not in the winter.  When its cold and icy, I'm to lazy to head out to the composter all the time.  Sometimes I only leave the house a couple times a week. 

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