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a good tofu-free egg recipe?

I doubt any such things exists. I have seen a chickpea scramble on here that was pretty good, but took a while to make and was more lunchy than breakfasty. One weakness of the vegan diet is that breakfast tends to be carb heavy and not much in protein in that meal. And of the egg substitute recipes I see, they are almost all tofu based.

I eat tofu occasionally, usually when going out to eat. But I try and limit my non-tempeh soy consumption. I have heard bad things about GMO soy and unfermented soy. So most of the soy I eat is tempeh and not so much tofu. And as a male, I know that chemically speaking soy has some feminine traits that I want to limit in my body.

With that said, I ask you.....does anyone know of a good tofu-free egg (or scramble) recipe that doesn't have tofu in it? Or any high protein tofu-free breakfast? Thanks.

well, first off i would like to say that i have heard the negative soy stuff having to do with GMO (easy to find non-GMO tofu) and the de-fatted kind of soy (most of the fake meat products, TVP, etc.). something about the way it's processed.

How often do you eat scrambles? I don't eat much soy, but i allow myself scrambles whenever i want.. generally just a weekend thing every so often. it's also almost the only thing i make with tofu.

i have seen a "scramble" recipe in a raw book (i want to say everyday raw?) that was based on cashews. you might want to try something like that, but it is definitely more labor intense.

how much protein do you want your breakfast to contain? are you specifically trying to limit fat or carbs at breakfast?


I eat tofu, but maybe twice a month at most.  I don't worry about heath effect for that frequency.  Do you eat pre-packaged food?  A lot of it has soy protein.  I'd worry more about my incidental take there, I think.  I don't know of a substitute.


i have seen a "scramble" recipe in a raw book (i want to say everyday raw?) that was based on cashews. you might want to try something like that, but it is definitely more labor intense.

There are some raw scrambles in Ani Phyo's Raw Kitchen that use ground nuts and seeds as the protein base (specifically, almonds & sunflower seeds). The different recipes have add-ins such as peppers, tomato, onion, spinach, cilantro, scallions, mushrooms, bok choy...

I haven't tried these yet, but I love her cookbook and everything else I've made out of it has been awesome!

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