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First Vegan Valentines Day

Ok so normally I would make my husb a steak for V day, but now that we, yes, WE are vegan I want to make a killer meal for him for Valentines Day.  My normal meal fare is good, just basic and cheap.  Any suggestions for a great meal.  I eat Gluten Free, but I am pretty good at converting recipies.  Just no Seitan or Meat Subs please.

I don't really like to eat a full meal for Valentine's Day, so I know of a tasty recipe for Vegan Truffles. I work with How2Heroes and the recipe is on their website. Who would have thought you could make delicious truffles without cream, milk or sugar? With creative substitutions like soymilk and agave nectar, you can barely notice the difference! Check out the video recipe here:

Let me know what you think!


ok, those truffles sound great.  my husb consideres chocolate to ba a food group all by it self.  must try to find millet in the store.


Awesome. I hope you and your husband have a fantastic Valentine's Day!


We're rolling our own veg sushi.  For fillings I'm planning avocado, carrots, cukes, spring onions, sweet potatoes, baked tofu, and mango.  Then we're gonna drag out the candy corn recipe and dye it shades of red and mold a bunch of fun stuff.  That and a bottle or two of sake should be a fun couples night.

I think anything you can do together on V-day is the way to go, especially when it's on a weekend. 
What ever you do, have fun!


We're rolling our own veg sushi.  For fillings I'm planning avocado, carrots, cukes, spring onions, sweet potatoes, baked tofu, and mango.  Then we're gonna drag out the candy corn recipe and dye it shades of red and mold a bunch of fun stuff.  That and a bottle or two of sake should be a fun couples night.

I think anything you can do together on V-day is the way to go, especially when it's on a weekend. 
What ever you do, have fun!

That sounds so sweet. I hope everyone has a great VDAY.


I have never been in a relationship on Valentine's day. weird huh?
here is a video I did for the "perfect" vegan holiday dish... just ignore the Xmas music. :-)

I should find a date. haha.  :)>>>


A vegan ziti dish is nice and romantical...I made one last year.  Throw in some garlic bread and salad and you're good to go. :)


It's our 1st vegan V day too. I like the idea of sushi. We'll probably make a miso soup starter and maybe do some veggie tempura, too.


1.A pasta /tomato based soup with garlic breadsticks or garlic knots.

  Stuffed mushrooms

2. Calzones or stuffed pizza (with tofu ricotta and vegetables)- heart shaped

3. A quiche (heart shaped)


ooooh! the heart shaped quiche sounds way cute! and heart shaped cupcakes would be really cute to go with it! <3

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