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Favorite Scallion Pancake recipe?

Scallion pancakes have to be one of favorite things to eat! Yum! But here in Germany finding good greasy Chinese food is hard.

I am planning on making myself and my gentleman friend a tasty Chinese-American dinner. So of course, General Taos Tofu from this site. Now all I need is a fool proof scallion pancakes recipe. I was not able to find any on vegweb and I found several online, but there were no reviews and I do not want them to turn out horribly disappointing. So I was hoping someone would have a go to recipe that they use or know of a reliable source where I could a recipe.

Help?  ;)b

well, im no help, but i want to make some myself, so if you do find a recipe, let me know.

do you have any online that you think might work? i might be able to try one out for ya, so you dont have to test a million yourself.


I also love love love scallion pancakes and i found a really good recipe from Ming Tsai. It is on the food network website( and it comes out great. The first time I made it I was a bit confused with the wording, but it is really easy. It also has a recipe for a ginger dipping sauce that is awesome!! Tastes just like a chinese restaurant. If the recipe isn't there any more let me know and I can e-mail it to you(or can I post it here?). Enjoy, they are really good :)>>>


So I just checked and it is there, just search scallion pancakes and it will come up.  ;)b


I just looked and I am confused by the wording too.

"Carefully roll dough like a sponge cake. Cut into 4 pieces. Take one piece and twist 3 times. Make a spiral out of this and roll again and flatten to achieve a 5 to 6 inch pancake."

Huh?  ???

Can you translate this?


i think i actually saw him do this, its the authentic way of doing it...

after you roll it out, you are rolling it back into itself (so basically getting layers by folding it over). then roll it out again into a circle. and its from that circle that you cut into triangles.

i hope that makes sense.?


Thanks guys! I am so making those tonight! Yummy! I cannot wait and will report back on how it goes.  :)


  I too love scallion pancakes, so I took your advice and went to the foodtv site and looked it up. After reading the recipes there, I feel that the recipe given by Tyler Florence is much more authentic (at least to what I've eaten and prefer) than Ming Tsai's. The pancakes I love are just that...pancakes, from a batter, not a dough that gets rolled out.  Tyler's recipe is also much easier and less time consuming to create.

Just the other day I watched a video of an Asian lady making a pancake and now I can't find it. I'll keep searching. It was so simple and easy, and really looked delicious.

0 likes is a site that has how-to photos of the pancakes that are more like Ming Tsai's. It clears up those confusing directions of the  rolled out, dough ball pancake.


the wording for the Ming Tsai recipe is a bit confusing but what I did is with one of the "jelly roll" discs, i twisted it the best i could and then sort of reformed it into a pancake shape and then rolled it out to the desired thickness. Don't let it stop you from making it. They are great. My kids request them!! I also saw the Tyler Florence recipe but it has egg in it, it also seemed more of a typical pancake, and I like the bready scallion pancakes from the non-authentic Chinese restaurants!!! :-D Wassernixie, let us know how they were.


I hope this works....this yt video is really close to how I make mine
<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>


I so seriously need lessons on how to post videos......sorry...


The scallion pancakes were a resounding sucess! The Ming Tsai recipe was JUST like the kind you get from amazingly greasy delicious Chinese restaurants. They were gobbled down as soon as each one left the pan. And I think my gentleman friend was some where on cloud nine after trying them.  ;)b

I would definitely recommend them for an appetizer at a party with lots of Omnis.

And additionally, the General Taos Tofu went over swimmingly with all the omnis, we had a party afterwards so the leftovers were still sitting on the stove and by the end of the night  the pan was completely emptied by a bunch of very impressed omni party guests.

And that imbedded video was a super help when it came to actually physically making the pancakes. So thanks for posting it!

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