Farmers' Market Glamour Shots
Posted by Heliamphora on Mar 27, 2009 · Member since Oct 2006 · 4798 posts
Friends, if you (like I) feel like showing off, please share your farmers' market (if you have one) photographs (if you take them). ;)b
Here's my first one from a few months ago:
Two bunches of carrots, a cauliflower, lemons, apples, an avocado, potatoes, bok choy, a baguette and eight buns... NZ$26 (US$13 or 9GBP).
And today's:
Kohl rabi, cauliflower, kale, red and yellow onions, braeburn apples, two kinds of pears, spring onions and fennel... NZ$23.
I :iloveyou: my market!
I can't wait for farmers markets to start up again!! I will definitely post pictures of my loot once they are back!
good idea Heli!
these are both from a while ago, but what the heck here they are now (again):
from beginning of Feb:
and from I don't know when:
I should be going to the farmers market tomorrow and so will try to remember to post a picture then.
IT is snowing like crazy right now in WI, so I fear it will be a while before the fresh veggies at the farmers market come back, we don't even have one in the winter months. sigh
Sorry the for the dodgy photo - for some reason I couldn't get an unblurred pic:
I got purple sprouting broccoli, 2 bunches of spinach, brussel sprouts, new potatoes, some wild garlic, a bulb of garlic, a head of celery, 4 big onions, 3 carrots, a parsnip and some kale - totalling £9.90 (US$14, NZ$25 ) - quite an expensive week for me....damn the purple sprouting broccoli and wild garlic I knew you were unessecary but you looked so good.
today I got.......2 big potatoes, a couple of handfuls of baby new potatoes, some celery, a bunch of radish, a bunch of spring onions, a cucumber, a lettuce, 7 carrots, 3 onions, a swede and 2 bunches of spinach. All for £8.40 (US$12 or NZ$22)
Woohoo! ;)b