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Did you submit a recipe to April 15 - April 19?

A server upgrade was performed on April 15th which resulted in a change in the permission settings at which programs run on As a result, the recipe submission form wasn't working properly and all recipes (except for three) submitted between the 15th and the present (the 19th) weren't added into the recipe queue (the holding area that recipes go into before they are added to the site).

The three recipes that I have from the 15th are:

Veggie Burgers from jenndriver
Spirulina Popcorn from Sprinkles
Peanut Butter Puff from bass_nat

If you submitted a recipe between April 15-19 that isn't one of the above, please resubmit it. The submission form is working fine now, and your recipe will go into the queue. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Additionally, if you submitted a recipe prior to April 15th that isn't on the site yet, it is likely in the queue and will be added to the site as soon as possible (unless the recipe that you submitted was copied from a cookbook, etc). If you don't see your recipe and would like to inquire about its status, you are welcome to contact me via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of any page.


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