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Cool site about local produce

On this site, you enter your state and the season (month) and it gives you a list of all the fruits and vegetables that are growing locally at this time.  Pretty cool!  ;)b

Is it sad when I do that, my state is not growing anything? Only New York and Rhode Island are.  :(


Here's the full year for Montana:

July (early) Raspberries
July (late) Cherries , Raspberries
August (early) Cherries , Cucumber, Sweet Corn
August (late) Cucumber, Sweet Corn
September (early) Onions , Pumpkins
September (late) Apples, Onions , Pumpkins
October (early) Apples, Onions , Pumpkins
October (late) Apples, Onions , Pumpkins

We get a lot from Washington (it has a whole page). I know that there's Montana lettuce, though..b/c I buy it certain times of the year. We have more selection than ^ that at the Farmer's Market, though.


We're growing carrots, greens, and strawberries right now.

Out of interest, who can get Georgia peaches in their state? They're kinda hard to find here during the summer, and, uh, we're the effing peach state. Our peaches come from California; the Georgia peaches available here are more expensive than the California ones. I'm confused.

Also, I'm excited for my garden this year.


Site made me hungry.  Nothing available in my state until late march....suggested I try neighboring states....hmmmm

Out of curiosity did anyone else get christmas trees on theirs?  Not a food to me.....visions of me knawing on a pine tree....maybe they mean something else?


Here's the Florida late February list...guess I should consider myself lucky!  8-)

# Avoocado
# Bananas
# Broccoli
# Cabbage
# Canistel
# Carambola
# Carrots
# Cauliflower
# Celery
# Chinese Cabbage
# Cucumber
# Eggplant
# Endive
# Escarole
# Grapefruit
# Guava
# Honeydew Melon
# Kumquat
# Limes
# Mamey Sapote
# Mushrooms
# Okra
# Onions
# Oranges
# Papaya
# Passion Fruit
# Peppers
# Potatoes
# Pummelo
# Radishes
# Spinach
# Squash
# Strawberries
# Sweet Corn
# Tangelos
# Tangerines
# Tomatoes


We're growing carrots, greens, and strawberries right now.

Out of interest, who can get Georgia peaches in their state? They're kinda hard to find here during the summer, and, uh, we're the effing peach state. Our peaches come from California; the Georgia peaches available here are more expensive than the California ones. I'm confused.

Also, I'm excited for my garden this year.

We only seem to get california peaches here in california, so I don't know where they're hiding all your georgia ones.

When I was in New York, from about Sept-Nov we had NY apples, the rest of the time it was those stooopid Washington ones.  :-\


With norcal and socal combined, the list exceeds the florida list... a rounded diet in late february! I would not have expected...

... got to remember to get me some passionfruits when i'm home in march...

... though florida has guava and we don't  :-\

eta: I have seen now that I have completely misjudged Alaskan agriculture.


Is it sad when I do that, my state is not growing anything? Only New York and Rhode Island are.  :(

Yeah...nothing in Michigan either until April! *sigh* Can't wait for the farmers market to get active again!!

Thanks for the awesome link!!!


When I lived in Tennessee we always got Georgia peaches.  They were so huge, like a softball.  And juicy with such sweet flavor!  I do miss that.  Which is about all I miss from that state aside from the ALDI.

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