Chia Seeds
Posted by GarlicGirl on Mar 16, 2011 · Member since May 2010 · 3 posts
I keep hearing about the health benefits of chia seeds, so I bought some when I saw them on sale. But after bringing them home, I'm thinking, "oookay, now what?" Suggestions for how to use them? I don't think I'm keen on sprinkling them over my soy yogurt as is -- yet.
I don't like them gelled though, so I just drink it immediately. You can also sprinkle them on salads or breads..or anything. They don't taste like anything by themselves.
I add them to my oatmeal to give it more substance. You can also use them in baked goods instead of flax seeds.
I also eat them mainly for breakfast but they can be used as a slurry to replace eggs.
I add them into oatmeal as it cooks, an egg replacer for baked oatmeal and love it in overnight oats.
Here is a recipe for overnight oats:
This is my recipe for a savoury twist to overnight oats:
Here is a baked oatmeal recipe with chia seeds:
You can also make a tapioca-like (chocolate) pudding by adding the chia seeds to a (chocolate) nondairy milk and letting ti sit fora few hours:
I just used them tonight in homemade tortillas (recipe in Viva Vegan), and they are great!!
Awesome suggestions to get me started! Thank you all!
I've started making my own muesli, and I use this as a base recipe:
I add many ingredients according to what I have on hand, ground chia seeds being one of them.
I let the muesli soak in milk or kefir all night, and top it with fresh fruit in the morning. MMMMmmmm!
I've also simply added chia seeds to other fruit, cereal & kefir combos. That's all I've done so far, but I'm open to new ideas...
Oatmeal. Every time I eat a bowl (or make a bowl for my kiddos), I add a good bit of seeds to it.
I add them to my smoothies. I've also made hot chocolate, grinded up the seeds, then add them in to thicken it.
Have a bunch of these ive been trying to find use for. Now that they will be expiring this year i have gotten bolder about adding them to stuff lol. The easiest way to sneak them past people is to mix them into dips. They are invisible in yogurt type dips especially when they are seasoned liek onion or dill. They do great in baked dips too. Now that im bolder i want to try them in smoothies.