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carrott dogs

Does anyone have a recipe for carrott dogs.
I have heard something like, boil and put
thru a ricer but I am not sure what would
be best for a binder to shape into a hotdog
style. and also what spices?
thanks folks

Oh retch. It sounds absolutely awful!  :P 
May I suggest tons of ketchup & mustard?  ;)

If you make these, you must report back!! 


I've had carrot dogs (we who eat them call them bunny dogs), and they're quite tasty. I've never put a carrot through a ricer, though. You can baste the carrots with a bit of barbeque or hot sauce (or soy sauce, I imagine) and roast them in the oven--or grill them at a vegan barbecue! Then you just stick them in the hot dog bun, garnish to your taste, and enjoy. I apologize if this is irrelevant, and you're seeking something else entirely!


I've done that too, asenath-- just grilled a hot-dog sized carrot and tucked it in a bun.  It's actually quite tasty (though not in a meaty way) and gave me an excuse to indulge in sauces.  I'm a sauce eater, and any excuse will do!  Anyway, since I'm apt to dip a raw carrot in BBQ sauce, it wasn't a stretch to paint some onto a grilled carrot in a bun.

I've made carrot burgers too.  Cooked mashed carrots (I used a potato masher) made firm with cooked quinoa and sunflower seeds, and I forget what spices (garlic, and I don't remember what else but I'm betting on thyme).  They were actually quite good-- delicate-tasting and a little fragile, but just what I was hungry for.

They seem too mild for any hot-dog spices, but if you add equal amounts of coriander & paprika to anything and then season to taste with garlic, smoke flavor, and various peppers (black, white, cayenne, as strikes your fancy), it will taste like hot dogs.  I made a (virtually inedible) batch of hot-dog flavored seitan once by accident and I'll never forget that combo.  ;)


Yeah, try boiling or steaming carrots in water with a bit of liquid smoke maybe?
Since the whole point of the carrot dog is it is already in the "dog" shape.... I don't get the ricer thing


OK, so they're real! In Spain we say that you never go to bed without having learned something new. I will admit that I am closet watcher of the Disney Channel cartoon "Weekenders". One of the characters is a veggie and they always show her eating a carrot on a hotdog bun when they go out for junkfood. I thought they were just being I know. I don't care for cooked carrots, myself (Spanish carrots are nowhere near as sweet as their American counterparts, being much more "horsey" in flavour and used as a potherb for soups etc.), but I should think they would need some spice to make them sit up and take notice...


ohh goodie! I get to share my new book.  From:  Meatless Burgers by Louise Hagler (The BEST vegan cookbook author IMO)

Carrot Burgers

1/2 sweet yellow onion or 1 bunch green onions
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 c sunflower seeds (optional)
1/2 lb firm tofu
2 Tblsp sweet miso
1/2 tsp tarragon
2 cups finely grated carrots OR LEFT OVER PULP from making carrot juice!

Preheat oven to 350F

In a food processor, chop onions, garlic and sunflower seeds.  Add tofu, miso, tarragon and carrots.  Process until blended.  Form burgers (or neatballs or rolls for dogs)

Arrange the burgers on an oiled baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes on each side, or until browned.  These burgers are delicate, so handle with care.  Let cool a few minutes before removing from the oven.

She says you can brown in a nonstick skillet with oil, if you'd rather.  I don't see why you couldn't make them by pressing into a shallow baking dish brownie style and then slice into long narrow slices like a rectangular hot dog.

So yeah, carrot dogs sort of do exist and now you can make them.


You sweet thing, LadyD, you've managed to give me something good to do with carrot pulp as well as posting a recipe with ingredients that are really to my taste!  Hooray!

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