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canned fruit

canned fruit, what do you think of it?  obviously not as good for you fresh (specially if its in syrup not juice) but does it lose all its vits? 
i kinda think that its better than no fruit (and i like the way it tastes canned) but cant figure out if its good for me or not?

any thoughts

ps hi to all of you, havent posted in ages n ages :)

Hey there,
I myself think that canned fruit is an okay pick if you say need blueberries and it is winter or something like this, but whole fruit gives your body ruffage(Cant spell) and might give you more vitimins, so canned is cheaper than whole usally, but i wouldent just use canned fuit allways because you are getting the pealing usally and thats were alot of the good part, but then usally the fruit you eat you have to take the pealing off, so i guess it's a dission you have to make, but i think whole food might be just alittle bit better for you thoe..thats my oppion
Hope that helps abit
Melissa ;D


I've been wondering about this myself. Blueberries here nearly double in price from the summer. I also don't have room to store frozen foods. I had fruit cocktail from a can this morning, I hope it isn't all bad...


the major issue with canned food is that is goes through a heating and cooking process in order to be safely canned and stored. The process heats and cooks the produce enough that most of the water soluble vitamins are destroyed, as well as all the healthy enzymes and whatnot. So, depending on the fruit, some of the fiber and a smattering of antioxidants might still be around, but for the most part, it destroys all the vitamin content.


I think canned fruits and vegetables are better than no fruits or vegetables (given a choice, choose fresh though).  Try to get the no salt added kind (in regards to vegetables) and get fruits packed only in unsweetened juice (no syrup).  Rinse anything that has been in a can well (beans and vegetables especially).  We get canned peaches packed in pear juice in the winter because I love peaches.



canned fruit really creeps me out, the whole idea of them being stuck in a can with no natural environment kind of deal, I know wierd but I feel like they're cooked up and lacking so much natural flavor. Plus most of the fruits are skinned so lose a LOT of nutrients and extra aminos and they are smushy..idk, def prefer the fruit raw and fresh..niente to :-[


I'm in Elizabeth's camp, but I really got out of the canned food habit while I was in Peru (very few canned goods and no frozen foods there).  I like them better fresh for so many reasons.  Also, fruit is sweet enough without the gunk they can it in-- I'm not a big fan of canned fruit syrup (although when I was a kid I found it irresistable!)


I rarely buy canned fruit.. I think I got out of the habit when I was trying to cut synthetic vitamin C out of my diet (ascorbic acid)... it's in pretty much all canned fruits and bottled juices.  I'd never thought about the difference between canned and fresh nutrition-wise, but it makes sense that fresh would be better.

My question is about 'flash pasteruization' (  Anybody know if this process harms vitamin/nutrient content of fruit?  Most 'premium' quality juices like Tropicana and Bolthouse Farms/Aruthur's smoothies undergo flash pasteurization.  "The liquid moves in a controlled, continuous flow while subjected to temperatures of 71.5ºC (160ºF) to 74ºC (165ºF), for about 15 to 30 seconds." Is that long enough to klll anything?


yeah this all kinda sumarises what ive been thinking.  i eat loads of fresh fruit too but when some stuff is out of season and i really fancy eating it or if im going away and need something in my bag just in case i get canned.  im a bit of a sucker for the juice it comes in, i tend not to get it in syrup.

cheers for all your posts :)


Canned fruit can still have a lot to offer nutritionally and is appealing to those on a budget and little kids.Mandarin orange segments packed in juice are a staple in our house.  Frozen fruit is even better.


I'm totally with JKL about the frozen fruit.  I've been known to buy the mixed berry kind and eat it straight out of the freezer--mini popsicles, minus all the junky stuff!

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