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Brown Rice and Lentils suprise

Hey fellow veggies/vegans/raw foodists(Not exactly sure what this one is)
I first want to say that I say fellow b/c a few weeks or maybe months (time just rolls together) I became a full vegetarian and forgot to mention that.
Anyway I have to eat a certain amount of calories everyday b/c I used to have an eating problem so I need to keep my weight maintained... I use the nutritional facts on the back of the ingredients I use add them up and bam nutritional facts for a meal right?
Then today I look on a website I use to find the calories of fruits and veggies to see if cooked brown rice and lentils have a different calorie count then dry which is what is on the nutritional facts on the bag.
Oh my goodness they are crazy different!!! Brown rice says its 140cal/39grams and cooked is only about 45cal/39gram and lentils do the same with 70cal/32gram dry and 37cal/32gram cooked! 
Does anyone know if this is right or is the website way off base here???

No, that sounds realistic.  Cooked has fewer calories per gram because of the water that's now infused into it.  If water is making up part of the weight, and water has zero calories, there will be fewer calories per gram.


Thanks!!!! I completely forgot that both the rice and lentils get heavier when they are cooked!!!  :-[


You're not alone, here...I just went, "Oh, it is...!" I hadn't stopped to think, I guess.


Hey Wayne! totally off topic--but we are having a vegan bbq in ypsi in a couple weeks--did you get the fb invte??? You should come outfor it--it will be fun!!!!


No, I didn't get it... But if you let me know when it is and I don't have to work I'll definetly be there!!!


nevermind... I checked and I have to work :'(  That sucks... But thanks for the heads up Cap


Just a thought: the calorie content for rice and lentils is often listed by the quarter-cup.  Rice expands anywhere from 2-4 times during cooking, so 1/4 cup dry rice contains a lot more grains of rice than 1/4 cup cooked rice.  Depending on the type of rice you're using, 1/4 cup dry could yield a whole cup cooked, in which case the entire cup of cooked rice would have the same number of calories as just 1/4 cup of dry rice, because it's really the same amount.


nevermind... I checked and I have to work :'(  That sucks... But thanks for the heads up Cap

Awwww :( Poop!!!! Well--some of us will still be around for the summer being all Renegad SFAREMU--perhaps one of our summer potlucks!!! I'll keep you in the loop!


Just a thought: the calorie content for rice and lentils is often listed by the quarter-cup.  Rice expands anywhere from 2-4 times during cooking, so 1/4 cup dry rice contains a lot more grains of rice than 1/4 cup cooked rice.  Depending on the type of rice you're using, 1/4 cup dry could yield a whole cup cooked, in which case the entire cup of cooked rice would have the same number of calories as just 1/4 cup of dry rice, because it's really the same amount.

Now that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

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