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Best uncheese recipe?

I'm interested in trying out some vegan uncheese recipes, but I am a bit overwhelmed by all the options out there.  So, what is your favorite recipe, and how do you eat it?  I got the Ultimate Uncheese cookbook from the library, but there just seem to be so many variations on a theme.  Almost every "saucy" cheese recipe says, "great on steamed broccoli, baked potatoes, or nachos."

I have gathered up some of the more ubiquitous ingredients - raw cashews, nutritional yeast, light miso, and I have a variety of herbs and spices on hand.

I don't know if I'm ready to venture into block uncheese yet, but I am open to suggestions there too. :)

I really like this recipe:  I sub the margarine for 1 Tbsp oil, paprika for the pimento,  and have used white beans instead of chickpeas with good success too.

In the Uncheese Cookbook I'd recommend the pepperjack block uncheez if you decide to venture into the blocks.  I also like to make the Mostarella with the buffalo variation, but have never gotten it to be a block!  It's still one of the most awesome cheezes on pizzas to me even though it's still kind of saucy. 

There's an Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook review thread in the "Cookbook Lab" forum here.  You should check that out!


Thanks berryraw!  I tried the My Veggie Kitchen chedda cheeze recipe.  I had it on a pizza, so I left out the paprika/pimento since I didn't want it to be too orange.  It was delicious!  While I wouldn't say it was a dead ringer for cheese, it is delicious in its own right.  But, it actually could pass for that processed cheese spread we always used to get - often Port Wine flavor.  I might try making a Port Wine version - even though I'm lacto-ovo, I haven't had that stuff in so long since it really has no redeeming nutritional qualities.  Last night I spread it on a pizza, and together with the veggie pepperoni and tomato sauce, it was awesome.  Later I also had it cold spread on bread - also very yummy.  Anyway, thanks for the suggestion - it's a keeper.

I might try the pepperjack block uncheese once I get some plain agar.  The only stuff I have right now is vanilla flavored (weird, but I think it's for making desserts).


Thanks berryraw!  I tried the My Veggie Kitchen chedda cheeze recipe.  I had it on a pizza, so I left out the paprika/pimento since I didn't want it to be too orange.  It was delicious!  While I wouldn't say it was a dead ringer for cheese, it is delicious in its own right.  But, it actually could pass for that processed cheese spread we always used to get - often Port Wine flavor.  I might try making a Port Wine version - even though I'm lacto-ovo, I haven't had that stuff in so long since it really has no redeeming nutritional qualities.  Last night I spread it on a pizza, and together with the veggie pepperoni and tomato sauce, it was awesome.  Later I also had it cold spread on bread - also very yummy.  Anyway, thanks for the suggestion - it's a keeper.

I might try the pepperjack block uncheese once I get some plain agar.  The only stuff I have right now is vanilla flavored (weird, but I think it's for making desserts).

Glad you liked that!  It's good stuff.  I was thinking of making the pepperjack block recipe as a sauce because I'm all out of agar myself.  Maybe with the addition of some cornstarch and/or flour and heating the whole mixture on the stove it will get thick enough to be somewhat spreadable.


That's a great book,

an easy one to start might be something simple like melty white cheez. I've made the block cheeses that were mentioned and they K IC K  A SS!! After making the pepper jack a few times it's actually a simple method to make a great product.

The first one we made was chick e cheez but honestly I like to use a mixture of flour instead of just straight garbanzo flour. What's pretty good is take 2/3 potato flour and the rest with some garbanzo and corn flour.

Tofu alfredo is pretty simple and decent, also. Have fun!

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