Best Protein Sources (for someone who cannot tolerate legumes)
Posted by monappetit on Sep 02, 2013 · Member since Sep 2013 · 1 posts
Hi everyone! I've recently transitioned to a more plant-based diet. First, it's because I don't like dealing with meat but after awhile I just started to feel a lot healthier. Unfortunately, I just recently was able to tie my uncomfortable abdominal distension to my love of LEGUMES! NOOOO! I'm not going to eliminate legumes but they were a huge source for protein and fiber. Any ideas what to replace them with??
As of right now, I can think of..
- Eggs
- Tofu
- Dairy (although I'm trying to minimize dairy intake as well..)
Spinach, broccoli and mashrooms has lots of protein in it, but you can also get some from almonds and peanuts! :)
Quinoa, wild rice, brown rice, oats, buckwheat groats, nuts, seeds (pumkin, sunflower, sesame), nutritional yeast, tempeh, sweet potatoes, soy milk.