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Member since April 2003

Lathera (translates to THE OILY DISH)

What you need: 

4-5 medium size zuccini, cut in 1/4 in. disks
3-4 medium potatoes, cut in 1/4 in. disks
1-2 medium onions, sliced in thick rings
1-2 medium tomatoes, sliced in 1/4 in. disks
6-7 cloves garlic, peeled and whole
1/2 cup olive oil (or any other oil)
1/2 cup chopped parsley
salt and pepper
2 tblspoons oregano (save for the end!)

What you do: 

arrange in loose layers in the baking tray. try and keep the onion rings at the bottom of the pan, they get nice and crispy, and the tomatoes go at the top of the assembly, to let the juices drain down onto the veggoes bake for about 1 hour, at medium oven the oregano should be added a few minutes before taking the tray out of the oven-burnt oregano loses its flavour, and has a bitter taste allow to cool before eating

Preparation Time: 
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