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Newbie Here & Newbie Vegan!

Hello!  I'm new here. I've been a vegetarian for most of my life and have decided that I can no longer ignore my consumption of animal products from a moral, ethical, or spiritual standpoint. I was recently married this September and my husband is a vegetarian. He has no interest in transitioning into veganism with me but he says he's all for "anything that keeps me cooking so much kick a$$ Indian food!" (my husband has a questionable addiction to chickpeas, you see...).

I recently returned to college to finish my undergrad degree in speech pathology and upon completion will be entering into graduate school. I was formerly in the insurance industry but it just wasn't for me. I am also currently studying for the GRE and preparing to become a volunteer literacy teacher. I lead a pretty hectic life between school, my husband, our furbaby Mack (the cutest Westie you've likely ever seen), and transitioning into veganism. I'm very thankful I've discovered my friend the slow cooker/crock pot. It is so vegan friendly and helpful on days I won't be home much!

Anywho, I'm hoping that getting to know more vegans (I only know one!). I am also hoping to convince my husband to go vegan with me. Any tips or pointers that will help me along my journey are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading this and take care!



Nice to meet you.  Best of luck to you in all that you do!


Hi UU_Ms.! Welcome to VegWeb!

I think you'll find lots of support in our forums for everything you talked about, and check out Sweet and Sour for any relationship stuff...I know there are other people going through the same thing right now!

I hope you have fun on VegWeb (would be kinda impossible not to) and let me know if you ever need anything!!

WebMistress Laura

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