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Newbie with balanced diet question

Hello all!

I learned of Vegweb about a year ago when I learned of this site through Peta. I was at a local market and they had a small display table with battery cages and stuffed chickens inside that caught my eye. I spoke with the rep and took a few brochures/magazines. After reading the mag, it didn't take long for me to realize how important it was for me to quit meat for many reasons and since that time I've been a vegetarian. I've visited the site quite often for recipe ideas but this is the first time joining and posting.

I am not looking for medical advice but wondered if anyone has experienced something similar when they switched to a veggie or vegan diet.

I have endometriosis which is a female issue. With this disease the use of soy products is not encouraged as it can worsen symptoms. For this reason I've been having a hard time eating a balanced veg diet with only occasionally using soy in my recipes (I'm not a big bean/legume fan either). 

For the past few months, I've noticed my hair thinning around my bangs and I've never had this problem in my life (I have tons of thick hair & am only 38!) and it's making me very self-conscious. Could it be from lack of protein or vitamins in my non-meat diet? I recently purchased a vegan protein supplement to make sure that I'm getting enough because as mentioned, I can't eat much soy and I eat eggs/cheese rarely except on occasion for variety.

Is it possible to have a balanced veg/vegan diet without a lot of soy and/or bean products? I have no desire to go back to meat and would prefer to follow a vegan diet if possible.

Perhaps I should be seeing a nutritionist on this subject.

Thanks in advance for your helpful guidance.

Cheers! :)


unless you are eating refined foods everything has protein in sufficient quantity. you would only be lacking protein because of lack of calories, otherwise. are you eating enough? i'd see a doctor about the hair issue and don't mention diet.


Eat a wide vareity, key words wide variety,  of foods, fruists, veggies and whole grains,  that includes fats, especially Omega 3 fats that are found in flax, hemp, (which can be bought as a protien supplement), walnuts, etc.  which might help with the hair issue.  Eat a lot of whole grains too.  Quinoa is a good complete protein. 

If your active, nothing wrong with taking vegan protein supplements.


Thank  you very  much :>


Hi Kwizip, welcome to vegweb! :)

I had the same issue some months ago, when I noticed I was shedding a lot of hair, and began to notice new hair growth all around the perimeter of my hair line (and I'm only 22). Now that I look back on the situation, I think I wasn't varying my diet enough, or maybe not enough fats. Sometimes it can be challenging to get a wide variety, since I'm on a college budget.

Remember your walnuts and flax seed, they really are important (if you're not already eating them). Iodine deficiency can also cause hair loss.

There's more in depth threads on hair issues in another section on vegweb, where they offer what might be lacking/wrong based on the current condition of your hair. Can't remember exactly where, though.

Anyways, hope you enjoy your time here on the site.


Is your hair falling out due to an eating disorder?  We've had discussions here before and most people feel their hair grows faster when eating a plant-based diet.  Take a multivitamin if it adds peace of mind.  Also, keep a food diary for a week to track the calories, protein, carbs, and fat of what you eat.  That way, you'll know where you're at, nutrient intake wise.

See a doctor.  Many doctors are lazy and afraid of veganism, so don't go in saying, "My hair is falling out and I'm vegan." because then they'll likely tell you it's because you're vegan because that's easiest for them and then you'll never find out the real reason why you have hair loss.

I don't eat soy (including tofu and tempeh) and I'm not a fan of seitan.  I do just fine, protein-wise, but since I eat more carb heavy, I drink protein mix after the gym.

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