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New Vegan - Introduction

Hello everyone, it feels good to interact with other like minded people. I am new on here and hope to make some great acquaintances. I have been vegan for a few months but I stopped eating red meat about 6 years ago. I gave up poultry last year and fish, dairy, and eggs earlier this year. I feel great, godly since the transition. I think clearer and have more energy. I have a higher understanding of life and see the big picture. I thought being vegetarian was enough but realized it was only half stepping. I never was a big fan of milk but after research and discovering how cow's blood and pus is throughout the milk made me realize why. I sometimes wondered when in history did people decide that a cow was the perfect animal to milk? Why didn't they choose tigers or horses? Consuming excrement from any animal that is meant for and genetically created to nurture babies of a different species should seem odd to anyone. Any part of the animal comes from the same source and has all of its genetic structure and DNA in it, regardless if you consume their flesh, milk, blood, skin, bones, eggs, or saliva, you are still eating the animal and poisoning yourself. As with meat, we were historically and originally herbivores and during a period of darkness and limited vegetation some resorted to eating animals merely as a mean to survive from starving (almost like the people that resorted to cannibalism after the plane crash). After generations of this, people started thinking this is what they are suppose to eat and forget their original ways. Carnivores have the razor sharp teeth for tearing flesh and the digestive system to handle the bacteria ridden poison of eating flesh. It should also seem odd that animals that are meant to eat meat consume it raw, if most people did this they would die from food poisoning, that is what meat, egg, and dairy are to us, poison. Cooking it only limits the harm and prolongs the suffering we endure. Regardless if you die immediately from food poisoning or have 30 years knocked off your life expectancy, it's poison. And all of this isn't even considering the harm done to the animals but merely our own self destruction. I just had to get that out there, lol. I love science, history, astronomy, world events and many other topics. The recipes on the site are great too.

Welcome to VW and congrats on your resolve.

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Nice to meet you.  Look forward to your posts!!


Thanks for the welcome Lauuren, I also posted the intro on that link you provided. Great to meet you as well Tweety, I hope to keep the board the interesting.

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