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New vegan, and loving it so far!

Hey everyone.  I'm Li.  I was doing some article searching and came across this website.  Lot's of stuff here and I love it!  Anyhow, years ago I was a vegetarian for six years and after I had my daughter and was breastfeeding her my doctor recommended that I resume eating meat again after becoming ill.  So I did. Of course I later realized it had nothing to do with not eating meat.  I just wasn't taking proper care of myself.  Well jump ahead 9 years...a month ago I had to give up dairy because I'm breastfeeding my recently born son and he seemed to have a sensitivity to the dairy I was consuming.  I had been reaserching veganism for a while and since I was all ready part way there and was ready to make some changes and get healthy, a week ago I dove right in! So far I'm loving it.  My husband is joining me in this (he is doing well so far, but I think it's hard for him to adjust) and my 9 year old  has decided she wants to be a semi-vegan...if I can call it that.  As for my little one, depending how well everything is going, we will probably raise him vegan as well.

I would appreciate any support (going vegan seems to get one a lot of lectures), tips, advice that anyone can give me.  Thanks everyone!  I'm so glad I found this site!

Welcome!!!  Nice to meet you.  All the best!


aww you've got a little vegan family.
Its good that you have a family with similar goals that's going to make the changes come a lot easier. 


welcome!! it's really lucky that everyone wants to join with you. good luck!!


Welcome Li, I am also new to this forum. Lots of great ideas and information. Looks like awesome support too so if you have any questions there will be lots of suggestions and answers!


That's great your hubby is joining you!! My hubby wants nothing to do with it!! LOL though I feed him no meat a few days of the week he'll never not stop eating it. I was a vegetarian years ago too and when i had my first child who's 9 now the dr. said I needed to eat meat for protein! Since I was educated enough I did what dr. said! A year ago I just said enough is enough I feel like crap and can't take it anymore something has to change!!

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