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New here from the Netherlands

Hello all,

My name is Martyn and i'm from the Netherlands. I've been a meat eater for about thirty years and changed my diet into a vegetarian one about two years ago. All this after seeing a documentary through blurry eyes (earthlings) :'(. That documentary was not the only thing that led me to this diet. I'm a pretty big guy and i just had to lose some weight (high blood pressure :(, it's all good now tho ;)b).So next to a better diet i started running (i still do eat a lot but i can kinda keep that under control with the running)

So yea the recipes are the main thing that brought me here but i hope to have good time here on the forums also.

Hello Martyn! Welcome to vegweb!! I'm so glad that your desire to lead a compassionate life and improve your health led you to a vegetarian life. I hope that all of the amazing recipes on here can show you that if you can go vegetarian you can go vegan too! Btw, I'm located in Germany so we're neighbors!  :)


Thank you so much for the warm reply neighbour. I've been thinking alot about going vegan and  browsing all those great recipes might very well give me that push. if you know of a good substitute for mayonaise then i would love to hear it.

I love germany btw. been there a couple of times on holiday (schwarzwald). Isn't it hard being a vegan in germany? I always had the idea that germans are very fond of meat (well you're the exception obviously  :>)


Nice to meet you!!!Welcome!


I'm from the U.S. but I'm living in Berlin, which is actually a great place to be vegan. Lots of wonderful veg restaurants and lots of vegan necessities in the stores. I do hope to visit the schwarzwald!

I bought a bruno fischer brand vegan mayo that is working pretty well for me and there are lots of other brands available here I haven't made my own before but there are definitely recipes out there so maybe others can weigh in on how those work for them. 


The Netherlands! So cool! I hope to get there someday!

Welcome to VegWeb, I think you'll love it here :)


Thank you all so much.

I already got some mayo recipes from the website. So i'll give that a go someday soon. Thanks for the link they've got quite the assortment. Nice :)

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