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New here and trying vegan

I'm new and trying vegan.
Not sure how to start. I'm a fussy eater. Do not like onions per say or garlic and mushrooms. Most if not all recipes have these in them.
I need to do this for my health. Have high blood pressure and just had my meds changed. So, I put myself on the dash diet but also want to cut out meats/chicken and do not like fish.
Anybody have ideas?? for menus. Work full time at our business so we practically live here so I have little time to prepare meals.

I'm new and trying vegan.
Not sure how to start. I'm a fussy eater. Do not like onions per say or garlic and mushrooms. Most if not all recipes have these in them.
I need to do this for my health. Have high blood pressure and just had my meds changed. So, I put myself on the dash diet but also want to cut out meats/chicken and do not like fish.
Anybody have ideas?? for menus. Work full time at our business so we practically live here so I have little time to prepare meals.

Welcome! You can always modify the recipes to your liking and don't decide if you like or dislike something base on the way one dish turns out. Keep fresh veggies on hand as much as possible. Go for high-bulk low-calories to make sure your hunger is satified. You can eat the richer stuff just watch your portions and substitute good fats where needed (olive oil, avocados, etc.).

Diets don't work. . . lifestyle changes do.

Went vegetarian 9 years ago. 14 years ago I was 212 lbs, size 38 waist. Now I'm 163 lbs, size 30 waist. Exercise is good but cutting the calories gets faster results if you are trying to lose weight. One bagel will cost you 1 hour on the treadmill. Your blood pressure will come down. I had mine checked this morning - 128 over 61, the lowest it has ever been. It has actually dropped rather dramatically since I went vegan about 2 weeks ago. You are in the right place.


Hi Mab6789! Welcome! There are TONS of recipes on VegWeb that will be great for you. Please check out our recipe categories section where you can search by ANY type of food you feel like. From dishes with lentils to chicken substitutes, you've come to the right place! There's also a fast and easy section in the recipes by category, that should be really useful to you!

You also might want to look for products like Gardein chicken and beef analogues that you can guy at most Whole Foods and Safeways. It's a new type of vegetarian meat and it's DELICIOUS. Great transition food to get the same flavor and texture as chicken, without all the gross stuff that comes with the real deal!

Have a blast on VegWeb and please let me know if you have any other questions!!



rswhitaker has great advice. Don't be scared or feel overwhelmed at the thought of mushrooms, onions or garlic being in dishes. You will find quite a few recipes here and elsewhere that don't contain them.

Mushrooms can easily be avoided, you can often substitute them with anything from the Gardein (or any other meat sub) products WML recommended to beans or veggies. In a lot of recipes where mushrooms seem to play a predominant roll, they are used to give that 'meaty' consistency or flavor; you can achieve similar results with fake meats, beans/legumes like garbanzos and eggplant or other dense veggie. My ex developed a sensitivity to most mushrooms, so I know this first hand!!

Investing in a crockpot could be a good idea so you have food ready when you're done. Take a couple minutes in the morning to toss things in and go about your day, come back and you have dinner, and probably a few lunches worth waiting for you.

For 'big' dishes, use muffin tins instead of a casserole dish. They cook faster and you have immediate portion control plus they are easier to transport or freeze to heat later on.

Congratulations on your new journey and welcome.



Best of luck to you.  I can't imagine life without onions or garlic, so I'm not help.  LOL

Just wanted to say hello and wish you good luck.  Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially foods high in potassium will help with the blood pressure.


Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I keep trying.
I've been eating mostly beans and veggies. Oatmeal for breakfast with a banana or blueberries. Lunch salad with lots of veggies and basalmic vinegar with mustard very little oil. Just started this dressing yesterday. Looking for a low sodium dressing. The vinegar/mustard is pretty good.
Supper is always a issue. I've just been having some beans either kidney or black right now rinsed and drained with salt free tomatoes or salt free sauce and chilli & cumin.I did put a little garlic powder and some minced onions in it.  It still needs something.
I either have a baked potatoe or some brown rice. Apple for desert or later. I do need to watch my calories some want to lose 15lbs and must restrict my sodium for my blood pressure.
I bought a egg plant and zucchini but not sure what to so with it yet. Also some red beets with greens which are supposed to be good for your blood pressure. Thinking of baking the red beet I wanted to do it yesterday but forgot about it.
I guess I need some easy ideas what to throw together for quick suppers. I'm here at work til 6 or so. We live in Eastern PA.


Look into quinoa, it is a pseudo-grain and a complete protein. It cooks up just like brown rice.

Also, check out Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids A lot of the people on here like to use it as a substitute for soysauce or other 'salt' like tastes, as it has lower sodium and has tons of good stuffs in it!!

I'd dice up the eggplant, zucchini, and beet, toss them in balsamic vinegar and broil them for 5-10 min and serve them with either rice or quinoa. Dinner in 30 min  or less!


Thanks, I'll try that probably tomorrow night.
Have to go to the store to buy the quinoa but I'll use the rice for now.
I have a follow up Dr. appointment this Wed and I was there 3 weeks ago and since I've been restricting my sodium anxious to see the BP reading. I have a cuff at home but prefer to wait. Unfortunately, I've had blood pressure problems almost all my life.And I've been on meds most of my life also.
Hope changing my diet will help me in all areas. I've been also walking almost everyday too. I'll do anything to lenghten my life on this earth. I'm 58 so I plan to go for awhile.


as others have said, feel free to leave out ingredients you don't like. I don't like the texture of onions, (I'm weird about them,) so sometimes I'll either cut them really small, skip them altogether, if its sauce or soup I may blend them in , or use onion, (or garlic,) powder in replacement.
The meat analogs are very helpful in transitioning, and for when you are too busy to cook!
Good luck with everything!


I found Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Furhman to be a great book when going to a plant-based diet.


Thanks, I have been reading the book Eat To Live. I guess I was to have it I found it at Goodwill for .97 . What did I have to lose.
It is really good and I'm trying. Love I can eat fruit. South Beach doesn't like fruit P1.
Anyway, I'll keep in touch.
Have BP issues and on meds. I'm going to check my BP this weekend. 



There are DEFINITELY ways to work around your dietary restrictions...I myself hate tofu, mushrooms, uncooked onions...I can be picky and am not underfed! LOL.
Search the recipes section, there is so much to offer. Even adding different spices can make meals different every time.


Look SONIA, you're an individual. If some of the people on here are critical of meat-eaters, don't take that personal. There are vegetarians and there are meat-eaters and there are accepting people and there are narrow-minded people. It's not just you vs. us.
Extreme Brite White
Extreme Brite White


Look SONIA, you're an individual. If some of the people on here are critical of meat-eaters, don't take that personal. There are vegetarians and there are meat-eaters and there are accepting people and there are narrow-minded people. It's not just you vs. us.
Extreme Brite White
Extreme Brite White



Im not sure if this is the right place to post this mods feel free to move my post if its the case but here it goes...

First, Id like to say "hello" and what a nice forum you have. Im looking foward to read & learn more about painting and this place has so much information, Im overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to read.

Hence the title of my thread, Im new here but Im not really new to oil painting.
I began painting again 6 months ago after something like 12 or 14 years interruption - It took me a while to get used to work with oil again.

Attached is a painting I finished working on this week and Id really appreciate to have feedback about how I could improve my technique - This is my 3rd oil since I started painting again the other two Im a bit shy to post here, so I wont even bother


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