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President Obama's religion

The news channels are making a big fuss about President Obama's religion. Is he Christian or is he Muslim? What if he holds a press conference and says, "I'm Satanist"? Yes, the non-Satan worshipping Satanism. 

Do any of you actually care?! I know I don't.

It shouldn't matter what religion he is, we're supposed to be a free and equal country and I wish people would remember this.

By non-Satan worshipping Satanist, do you mean LaVey Satanism?


By non-Satan worshipping Satanist, do you mean LaVey Satanism?

Exactly. I'm so glad you caught that reference. :)


The news channels are making a big fuss about President Obama's religion. Is he Christian or is he Muslim? What if he holds a press conference and says, "I'm Satanist"? Yes, the non-Satan worshipping Satanism.   

Do any of you actually care?! I know I don't.

As far as I know the man attends the Assemblies of God church, which would make it kinda hard to be a Muslim...but if I get one more snide email or weblink from my uberracist cousin on the subject, I promise you, I am going to hurl in technicolour.
It shouldn't matter what religion he is, we're supposed to be a free and equal country and I wish people would remember this.

THIS. And I get so tired of same cousin's "Obama birth certificate" rant.


yeah, my dad has been posting anti-Obama links since he got a facebook - so far today, he's posted 2 things about his religion....I DON'T CARE, dad!


By non-Satan worshipping Satanist, do you mean LaVey Satanism?

Exactly. I'm so glad you caught that reference. :)

I love Anton Szandor LaVey  :)

Yabbit- I'm so there with you. I wish the birthers would just stfu.


I love Anton Szandor LaVey  :) just earned 1000 points in my book. Yeah, I know, you're holding back the throw-up. Haha! I wouldn't want you to hurl in technicolor. lol!

Yabbitgirl: I love the image of rainbow vomit, by the way.

Great responses everyone. Thanks for the feedback!


I think we grow up with the illusion that religion and government in the U.S. are separate; they are SUPPOSED to be, but we've never mastered it... and since about the 80's, the religious right has nosed more and more into the political sphere... there is a huge segment of the republican party (maybe some isolated dems, too, but far fewer if they exist at all!) who would be very happy to make their own religious flavor a mandatory deal... this whole issue is a reflection of that yearning, it seems to me.

(too bad/ so sad/ not gonna happen, guys! or... if it ever does... I'm Canadian!)


HCM, that is why I classed "The Handmaid's Tale" as a horror movie. It is soooo possible in the US.

PM, haven't you ever heard the phrase "to yawn in technicolour"? Must have been a 70's thing.


actually a lot of the tenets of the far right are pretty close to tenets of laveys satanism...hmmm


actually a lot of the tenets of the far right are pretty close to tenets of laveys satanism...hmmm



actually a lot of the tenets of the far right are pretty close to tenets of laveys satanism...hmmm


I second that motion. Please explain.

YG: lol! I've never heard the phrase but I love it. :)


Article from The Guardian

Barack Obama, 'Muslim' president
"Like many Muslim Americans, I had high hopes – now dashed: our brother drinks beer, eats pork and won't fast at Ramadan …"


Great article, humboldt_honey! Thanks for the link.


Wanna see somethin' scarier than terrorism?

Oh golly, I sure do!  ;D

Wow, hotcooknmama...this is worse than I thought. I mean, I've had anger issues in the past (and maybe I still angrily react when I shouldn't)..but this is down-right upsetting. What has become of our country as of late? It's almost like a cesspool of hate was filling-up on our shores and within the last 2 years or so, that cesspool had it's waves crash upon us.

We need a smarter debate in our country. The politicians using hate and dumbed-down platforms to get ahead is just plain wrong and pathetic. I elect officials who will be smarter than me and will take a higher road than spewing shit like "Islam is a cult".

One of the reasons I voted for Obama was because he was, in fact, smart. The media now calls this "elitist". Election year, I think they called it "uppity". I want elitist. I want to look up to a smart leader.

Whatever Obama is, I don't care.  He could be Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Satanist, none of the above, all of the above...I don't care! What I do care about is change in our country. It's not going to occur overnight like the voters want. I have seen a lot change for the better since hes been elected and there could be more if certain people stop blocking everything in the congress for political gain. *deep breath*

One thing I want changed, though, is the mentality of our country.

Aren't we better than this?

PS. When I say smarter, I don't mean the elected is better at Karl Rove-style politics. I mean, actual brains.


One of the reasons I voted for Obama was because he was, in fact, smart. I want to look up to a smart leader.



One of the reasons I voted for Obama was because he was, in fact, smart. I want to look up to a smart leader.


lol! Oh's the S word! Next thing you'll say is I'm un-American. Haha! I know you're playin' around and I am too. Thanks for the article.

Yeseterday, I went so far to write my Muslim friend an email. In short, I told her she's got my support.


Wanna see somethin' scarier than terrorism?

Oh golly, I sure do!  ;D

Wow, hotcooknmama...this is worse than I thought. I mean, I've had anger issues in the past (and maybe I still angrily react when I shouldn't)..but this is down-right upsetting. What has become of our country as of late? It's almost like a cesspool of hate was filling-up on our shores and within the last 2 years or so, that cesspool had it's waves crash upon us.

Not just the last 2 years. I noticed it in 1991. I was visiting my mom, which entailed looong highway trips in her car while she listened to "talk radio." Amongst which, Rush Limbaugh (top hate and source of mockery, but I digress). All of it was new to me, since I'd lived in Europe for 10 years already. I remember turning to her and saying, "Is it just me, or are the media trying to whip people in this country into a state of unreasoning fear?" She agreed with me. It was fear, fear, fear---which is quickly manipulated into "hate everyone who isn't like us" and used to advantage by whoever can orchestrate the manipulation, whether it be a political leader, a celebrity, a religious pundit, or whoever.
Talk of domestic terrorism...filling the minds of the underinformed with bogies and hobgoblins so they will do what you want, is terrorism, too.

(And in case anyone asks you, as they did me, today, no Michelle Obama did NOT "visit a mosque" while she was here in Spain. She visited the Catholic Cathedral in Cordoba, which was a mosque about 550 years ago, until Fernando and Isabella chucked the Arabs out of S. Spain and converted the building into a Catholic church. There are lot of ex-mosques in this part of the country that are now cathedrals, parts of convents, etc.)


Talk of domestic terrorism...filling the minds of the underinformed with bogies and hobgoblins so they will do what you want, is terrorism, too.

I just want to start off by saying that I love the way you've worded your observation. What you said is exactly what's happening and you've said it in the best way. This is the only way I can think of to put it - some of our minds and some of our thoughts have been hijacked.

I read thru a few headlines the other day and the snippet I saw said that if we don't allow the building of the mosque in NYC, the terrorists win. Why? Because fear has finally pierced America's core. And by core, I mean, our values. 

The downturn of our country is happening one mind at a time. In this global environment, it could very well be the downturn of more than our own country. 

Yabbitgirl, you mentioned 1991 was the last time you remember seeing the "fear fear fear!!" campaign hit us so strongly? Was this also during the build up of The Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm? Or was it during? Or after? I wonder if the war has any connection to the fearful hate-speak? 

Sidenote: I always think of the movie "V for Vendetta" during these type of situations. I love love that movie and I love Natalie Portman. Ha. 


PM, it would have been after Desert Storm, if my memory serves (though I'm not good with time). It was in April/May of 1991 and then again in the same period of 92. But I noticed rumblings of it in 1990, too...that would have been September and December. I may be confused because in the years of 1990-92  I was in the US about 3 or 4 times to deal with death in the family etc. so it's all mush of a mushness in my mind.

That's not the "last time" I saw the fear campaign, but the last time I was with my mother. It was however the first time the fear campaign really struck me. I'm afraid that from a European perspective, US "news" programmes aren't so much about information as manipulation of public opinion. I guess maybe part of that is that it's one, very large, basically homogeneous country and culture, though it has its regional differences. Here, we have several very small countries very close together and you can't just say what you like without someone saying, "Hey, that's not the way it is."



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