noncommittal vegans
So, this is partially a rant because i'm irriated but i didnt know where to put it and i think other people opinions might help me calm down.
Ok... let me give you back story. i know too many people doing this crap(sorry) but i'm only going to use 2 as examples. So, these friends of mine, we'll say Jeff and Marty, used to give me a lot of "vegan on vegetarian hate", when i was veggie and they were vegan. saying things like (in a friendly manner until i got defensive) "you're half-assing it" blah blah (insert scientific facts about how being vegan is best blah blah). i used to get SO MUCH garbage from them. Well... the story goes on and I'm vegan. Well, now both of them (Jeff, for good reason, Marty not so much, at all) are now vegetarian again. Jeff has good reason and I understand. I didnt give him crap because is actually a splendid person and super nice. Well, Marty, for one, isnt that great of a friend. But now, since he gave me an overload of vegan on veggie hate, i'm doing it back and boy is he mad. (thats what he gets for being such a dick to moi).
why is it that people are commitaphobes about everything and us lame excuses like "oh, all i was eating was bags of chips and i blacked out at work so i can't be vegan anymore"?!?!?!?! i mean, come on! did you really expect to THRIVE off of POTATO CHIPS in ANY sort of diet/lifestyle?
someone help me understand why people suck. :[
oh, and if you have anything "good" to say to his pooface, let me know.
sorry, i'm ranting but alot of you are really awesome people and i'm so mad i want to attack him (which goes way against my peace and love mentality).
i feel you, way back when i was like 8, my sister went vegetarian and i was still omni, she would ALWAYS give me crap about how torturing animals is cruel and what not and every time i ate a burger she would just hassle me till i was done. fast forward 8 years, i become vegan and she gives me crap about how NOT eating animals is stupid and unhealthy!! WTF??? and THEN she becomes vegetarian again, gets all peta and stuff. yeah that lasted about 5 minutes. now she eats fish and salivates at steak and stuff like that. wtf is so hard about committing to vegetarian??? and if you aren't going to commit, then dont pretend like you give a damn about animal rights when you turn right back around and eat them. just shut your fucking mouth and stop being a hypocrite is what i say. and she gets mad when i say that if you go veg*n and then go back to eat animal products then you really never were veg*n because you obviously didn't really believe in the cause, you were just doing it or some superficial reason. but it's the truth. aggghh. it frustrates me soooo much.
rant over.
FYI... non-committal doesn't mean what you think it means ;)b
oh, idk what it means, i was just continuing with the rant. lol.
haha. this reminds me of some dude at a show i played in virginia. we had a big vegan potluck and he kept asking people who came to the show if they were vegan and how long and if they werent vegan he would give them shit about it, someone asked him "well how long have you been vegan?" "two months" and then my boyfriend asked "how long have you been on your high horse?" haha. his face turned beet red, he was so mad. but seriously. there is no reason to be so holier than thou about it. goodness. it just seemed like an image he had to uphold and not something that he really believed in yet.
FYI... non-committal doesn't mean what you think it means ;)b
Thank you, Catski.
And while I understand the urge to give back the crap you've suffered, do bear in mind that "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
i feel you, way back when i was like 8, my sister went vegetarian and i was still omni, she would ALWAYS give me crap about how torturing animals is cruel and what not and every time i ate a burger she would just hassle me till i was done. fast forward 8 years, i become vegan and she gives me crap about how NOT eating animals is stupid and unhealthy!! WTF??? and THEN she becomes vegetarian again, gets all peta and stuff. yeah that lasted about 5 minutes. now she eats fish and salivates at steak and stuff like that. wtf is so hard about committing to vegetarian??? and if you aren't going to commit, then dont pretend like you give a damn about animal rights when you turn right back around and eat them. just shut your fucking mouth and stop being a hypocrite is what i say. and she gets mad when i say that if you go veg*n and then go back to eat animal products then you really never were veg*n because you obviously didn't really believe in the cause, you were just doing it or some superficial reason. but it's the truth. aggghh. it frustrates me soooo much.
rant over.
I can understand how you could get upset by your sisters behavior, but I am not sure I agree that a person who was vegan and then went back to animal products was never vegan and didn't or doesn't care. And making a commitment to vegetarianism is very hard for some people. Myself for example. I was a meat eater my whole life. I loved meat, my favorite food in the whole world was cheese. But after my daughter went vegan and I learnded about it, I went vegan over night. I did really well for a while and then I had a small relapse. It wasn't because I didn't believe in the cause, and I didn't care, it was in my opinion because I am human and not perfect. I got back on track, and haven't looked back. I only want to give you a friendly warning that if you view people who are trying their best in such a harsh light, it might discourage them. If when I relapsed, I was told that I never cared and was never a real vegan, it might have done more harm than good. I re-committed thanks to my daughter who was very understanding and encouraging, not judgmental. Just remember that people are only human, and everyone can make mistakes and give into weakness.
i feel you, way back when i was like 8, my sister went vegetarian and i was still omni, she would ALWAYS give me crap about how torturing animals is cruel and what not and every time i ate a burger she would just hassle me till i was done. fast forward 8 years, i become vegan and she gives me crap about how NOT eating animals is stupid and unhealthy!! WTF??? and THEN she becomes vegetarian again, gets all peta and stuff. yeah that lasted about 5 minutes. now she eats fish and salivates at steak and stuff like that. wtf is so hard about committing to vegetarian??? and if you aren't going to commit, then dont pretend like you give a damn about animal rights when you turn right back around and eat them. just shut your fucking mouth and stop being a hypocrite is what i say. and she gets mad when i say that if you go veg*n and then go back to eat animal products then you really never were veg*n because you obviously didn't really believe in the cause, you were just doing it or some superficial reason. but it's the truth. aggghh. it frustrates me soooo much.
rant over.
I can understand how you could get upset by your sisters behavior, but I am not sure I agree that a person who was vegan and then went back to animal products was never vegan and didn't or doesn't care. And making a commitment to vegetarianism is very hard for some people. Myself for example. I was a meat eater my whole life. I loved meat, my favorite food in the whole world was cheese. But after my daughter went vegan and I learnded about it, I went vegan over night. I did really well for a while and then I had a small relapse. It wasn't because I didn't believe in the cause, and I didn't care, it was in my opinion because I am human and not perfect. I got back on track, and haven't looked back. I only want to give you a friendly warning that if you view people who are trying their best in such a harsh light, it might discourage them. If when I relapsed, I was told that I never cared and was never a real vegan, it might have done more harm than good. I re-committed thanks to my daughter who was very understanding and encouraging, not judgmental. Just remember that people are only human, and everyone can make mistakes and give into weakness.
i totally agree. i never gave her crap about it. when she first ate fish, i didnt say anything to her, even though she was apologizing the whole time. she said "oh, it's only this one time, after this im going back" i didnt judge her, i told her that it was her decision and im no one to be apologizing to, but then she never went back. and she knew she wasn't going to go back. she just said that because she thought i'd be mad if she didn't. so now she's not only a hypocrite, but she's a liar. for no reason. im not the vegan police. she doesnt have to be vegan if she doesnt want to, but she shouldnt pretend that she cares when she knows she doesn't.
i feel you, way back when i was like 8, my sister went vegetarian and i was still omni, she would ALWAYS give me crap about how torturing animals is cruel and what not and every time i ate a burger she would just hassle me till i was done. fast forward 8 years, i become vegan and she gives me crap about how NOT eating animals is stupid and unhealthy!! WTF??? and THEN she becomes vegetarian again, gets all peta and stuff. yeah that lasted about 5 minutes. now she eats fish and salivates at steak and stuff like that. wtf is so hard about committing to vegetarian??? and if you aren't going to commit, then dont pretend like you give a damn about animal rights when you turn right back around and eat them. just shut your fucking mouth and stop being a hypocrite is what i say. and she gets mad when i say that if you go veg*n and then go back to eat animal products then you really never were veg*n because you obviously didn't really believe in the cause, you were just doing it or some superficial reason. but it's the truth. aggghh. it frustrates me soooo much.
rant over.
I can understand how you could get upset by your sisters behavior, but I am not sure I agree that a person who was vegan and then went back to animal products was never vegan and didn't or doesn't care. And making a commitment to vegetarianism is very hard for some people. Myself for example. I was a meat eater my whole life. I loved meat, my favorite food in the whole world was cheese. But after my daughter went vegan and I learnded about it, I went vegan over night. I did really well for a while and then I had a small relapse. It wasn't because I didn't believe in the cause, and I didn't care, it was in my opinion because I am human and not perfect. I got back on track, and haven't looked back. I only want to give you a friendly warning that if you view people who are trying their best in such a harsh light, it might discourage them. If when I relapsed, I was told that I never cared and was never a real vegan, it might have done more harm than good. I re-committed thanks to my daughter who was very understanding and encouraging, not judgmental. Just remember that people are only human, and everyone can make mistakes and give into weakness.
i totally agree. i never gave her crap about it. when she first ate fish, i didnt say anything to her, even though she was apologizing the whole time. she said "oh, it's only this one time, after this im going back" i didnt judge her, i told her that it was her decision and im no one to be apologizing to, but then she never went back. and she knew she wasn't going to go back. she just said that because she thought i'd be mad if she didn't. so now she's not only a hypocrite, but she's a liar. for no reason. im not the vegan police. she doesnt have to be vegan if she doesnt want to, but she shouldnt pretend that she cares when she knows she doesn't.
I can agree with that. Sorry if I sounded like I was lecturing you, I thought you were speaking in general about anyone who relapses. I can see that from what you said your sister does seem flaky at best. But you are right, everyone has to make their own decisions, and she shouldn't have been lecturing you when you were young either. She needs to stop pretending and just live based on her own beliefs.
Love your tatoo!
yeah she really needs to stop pretending. whatever. lol
thanks for responding. i just needed to rant because this kid is just such a dick and i really want to be one back (when i was veggie he was horrid but now the tables have turned....)
although, i will give him shit because he was one of those "high and might" vegans and now (in a sense) he's a hypocrite. but, i won't be mean as he was to me.
it sucks people are like that, but i'm glad i'm not the only who has to deal with it (sorry!) so thanks for ranting because it makes me feel better! haha (i know, i know, and eye for eye pretty soon we're all blind)
noncommittal - 1 : giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling <a noncommittal reply> 2 : having no clear or distinctive character
— non·com·mit·tal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of noncommittally \-təl-ē\ adverb
ok, so i'm not dead on but i meant the opposite of committed.
veganhippie & skwaggles - I like you both immensely.
and hh- THANKS!! :D i like you too! lol
veganhippie & skwaggles - I like you both immensely.
and hh- THANKS!! :D i like you too! lol