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Insects are animals?

I was under the impression that going vegan meant getting the animal products out of my diet. Where does honey and silk (not the soy milk, actual silk) come in to play? 

This is the Food Fight board - its specific purpose is to provide a place for people to debate.  If it's the "arguements" that bother you, you may prefer other boards, like Kitchen Sink.


This is the Food Fight board - its specific purpose is to provide a place for people to debate.  If it's the "arguements" that bother you, you may prefer other boards, like Kitchen Sink.

Still with the snooty tone here I see... This forum is not the only place where I see such argumentation. It's all over the place, both on the web and off of it. This is just a continuation of it. I see this same arguing over and over again, and it has no end.

If this board is for argument, then I don't see why I shouldn't be entitled to argue that arguing in this manner isn't beneficial or fair. And even if, yes, this is a spot for debate- It's for debate, not bringing other people down. The two aren't one and the same.

I could further point out to you that I used the term "bickering." Bickering is not the same as debating. BTW, arguments isn't spelled with an E, and you only use quotations when you are actually quoting someone, which you weren't because I never said "arguements." 


I will swat a misquito that lands on me, or step on a roach that isn't paying me rent.  

Lol! That made my day, Tweety.



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