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So its not the Ball thread....but i have a serious question. I am so torn about whether or not to circumcise this little guy. I was convinced for a while that I was not going to, but today after talking to a different pediatrician, I felt like it would be ok if I did.

I know there is no medical reason to do it....I've researched it a bunch but I'm just not sure what's best for the boy~now and for his whole life. I don't want him to feel funny if he still has his foreskin, but on the other hand, it seems like such a pointless surgery (purely cosmetic) and that it would hurt!

It seems that there is a recent trend of NOT doing it, and in most parts of the world it is not customary....

I'd love to hear from both boys and girls on this topic, and share any experiences you have had with circed and non-circed penises. Do you prefer one type over the other?

I have (heard) sex is better with penises that are still intact (non-circed) for both the boy and the girl.....and in many ways I feel like its there for a reason (even heard that the foreskin secretes a lubricant)

What would you do???!!! 
If you had a penis, would you want it circed or not???

(another reason I was hoping for a girl.....)

I had never put a whole lot of thought into it, but after watching those videos, there is no way I would ever circumcise my (future) son.  I can't believe the doctors just kept going, like they didn't even notice the baby's screams. 


I'm against any sort of body-modification performed on infants - circumcision, piercing a baby's ears, etc... because it's changing someone's body without their consent. I'm in full support of any adult who wants to undergo a cosmetic genital procedure - though I find it kind of imbalanced that men can walk into any surgery and ask for a circumcision, while a woman who for whatever reason of aesthetic, religion, or functionality wants to alter/remove the clitoral hood or labia pretty much has to go to an underground practitioner who is then entering into some very murky grey areas legally. It's a topic of much dissent in the body modification community.


I'm against any sort of body-modification performed on infants - circumcision, piercing a baby's ears, etc... because it's changing someone's body without their consent. I'm in full support of any adult who wants to undergo a cosmetic genital procedure - though I find it kind of imbalanced that men can walk into any surgery and ask for a circumcision, while a woman who for whatever reason of aesthetic, religion, or functionality wants to alter/remove the clitoral hood or labia pretty much has to go to an underground practitioner who is then entering into some very murky grey areas legally. It's a topic of much dissent in the body modification community.

Personally, I don't have a problem with an informed adult having cosmetic surgery on their genitals; I just think it's wrong to do it to children.  It's actually fairly easy to find someone to perform labiaplasty in the UK, and openly advertised in the US, though technically it is illegal in both countries.  Even slitting the clitoral hood (the female foreskin) is illegal, though no tissue is actually removed.


If you want to see an down and out fight about cicumcistion go to  Wow, I did that one time, just looking for advice when I was trying to decide wether to do it to my son or not, and I got some NASTY people on there yelling about how it should be done to every little boy.  Wow, I had no idea that it was opening up such a nasty can of worms.  On t his webisite however, most everybody has the same frame of mind, be good to the earth, good to other forms of life, don't cause unnecessary pain, natural is better.  So there isn't much of an arguement here, but there, wow, it is sure something to read.


I see so much pro and con regarding circumcision on here mostly from women....... Well,
Her are just a few facts to consider. half to two thirds of the penile shaft skin is removed during circumcision along with 25-30,000 nerve endings along with vital secretions produced under the foreskin. Nearly 60% of boys born since 1976 are NOT circumcised.
Circumcision was popularized during the Victorian Era as a cure for a multitude of maladies from Polio to Masterbation. It does in fact desensitize the most erogenous sexual organ in the male body.....
If it is such a problem for men to keep themselves clean then WHY is it their fault for not being properly trained. Young girls are taught proper hygiene andhow to keep themselves clean, why not boys? Have you ever wondered why there are so many female hygiene products on the market, but yet we don't see any for boys or men? We just take them to the doctor to have their genitals sliced off and it is all OK! Yet to do the same for a female it is considered mutilation.....
I am very disturbed that it was done to me and I didn't have any input to having such a procedure done. I certainly would not have had it done knowing what would be lost and the permanent damages that are result from it.
I have heard so many women say it looks cleaner or is ugly if not done.... Well, strip down and stand over a mirror some time. Girls, you ain't so pretty down there either!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it is cruel, aka mutilation.  With that said nearly every guy I have ever been with including my husband is circed.  One of my first BF's was not, and although some women on here said they would "freak out", I did not.  I was surprised when I saw it, but I thought it was cool.  

If I ever had a son, I definitely would not want anyone to perform unnecessary surgery on him.  If someone asked what everyone's opinions on surgically removing their infant daughter's clitoral hood, everyone would react with outrage.  I say, what's the difference?  Because it's "customary" barbaric practices are OK on some babies but not others?  I call BS.

And the STD thing - give me a break.  Johnny, we know you were only an infant, but we knew you would grow up to be a man whore and unable to be trusted to put a bag on it, so we lopped off part of your anatomy to help you out...  Heck, why not just cut off the entire penis while you are at it, and guarantee no STD's?  That just sounds like the lamest justification for something people know in the back of their minds isn't right but they don't want to let go of the idea that has been ingrained in them their whole life.


My current boyfriend is not circumsized, and I can't really even tell a difference.
Why chop off more of your son's penis...that's like...why not just cut an inch off? Don't men embrace having as much as they can haha?
I think it's a beautiful thing to keep it natural!
Best of luck to you.. :)



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