Blind faith
I got in a conversation today about religion....which probably wasn't a good idea.
I don't really have any religion that I belong to. Buddhism fits my beliefs most closely but I do still believe in God, however christianity doesn't work for me because I don't believe that the bible is the "word of God". I have looked at many, many religions and not a one, not a single one, fits what I believe totally. I believe in God because God has helped me, interviened in my life when thiings were tough and made me do the right thing when I almost made really, I mean REALLY stupid mistakes. Long story...
So I asked someone who is Baptist, "how did you decide to become baptist?" and she explains. And she said that it is good to bring a kid up with religion, yadda yadda, yadda, kind of hinting that I should take my son to church on a regular basis (who is 2). I told her that I was raised catholic but don't really believe in those things now, and that my personal beliefs are a mixture of a lot of different religions.
The conversation went on and it ended with her just telling me that I need to have "faith" that Christ my savior. I let the matter drop, I have heard this story a million times over. I can not have blind faith, how can anybody ever force themselves to believe in something? I just can't believe in the bible when those stories in there seem just so rediculous to me. And bringing my son up Christian? I am not sure. I am not opposed to him learning about what Christians believe, but is it really necessary to take him to church every Sunday?
What is the rright thing to do? What do I teach him? Do I try to force a religion on him that I personally don't believe in myself, is that really the best thing to do? If i am not so sure what my own beliefs are, then how can I be a good teacher for him?
i think blind faith is allsum.
how can it possibly be a bad idea to believe in something blindly?
makes TOTAL sense.
Right on, man... I mean, what could *possibly* go wrong?!
I used to be a militant atheist, but then I grew out of it, evolving to a higher form of rationalism that recognizes that the human psyche is irrational, and that you have to adapt to the cultural peculiarities of people around you. As long as we have freedom of religion then traditional religions aren't a significant problem. People have a Right to be irrational in their beliefs if that makes them happy, just as long as they don't force it on others. What is a huge existential concern for the human civilization are the new religions that are presently being "spread by the sword" - socialism, environmentalism, feminism, etc.