Are there any creationists here?
Posted by asleep on a sunbeam on Sep 14, 2009 · Member since Aug 2009 · 287 posts
Sorry if this has been done before but I'm curious if there are any?
And if so why are you vegan/vegetarians?
Also I've just watched this brilliant debate. I have never seen him before, only heard about him. He has been very polite and understanding however this woman just doesn't seem to understand what evoultion is.
A debate between him and a creatish. Perhaps there are one where he's not so polite.
i believe in creation... God created everything... evolution makes no sense to me... i don't think we were monkeys... i don't think everything on Earth was miraculously formed by i dunno "mutant goo"... only God could have created something so complex and beautiful... just my thoughts i'm sure they differ from others views but i'm okay with that
How do you refute the scientific evidence that shows evolution happens, from micro to macro evolution both have occurred and been studied both historically looking at evidence, and in the lab.
Have you watched the interview that I posted by the way? That clip is the first of 7 parts (I know it's long, I just started watching and time flew by :D)
No I have not watched the video... don't really care too...we might be genetically similar to things but that doesn't mean we evolved from them... if we r apes than why r there still apes? why haven't they all evolved into humans? I stand firm in my beliefs in God... I have faith... I don't need evidence God is there... i can feel him... evolution is bs ... i hate that it is force fed to us in school... i think if we have to learn about evolution we should have to learn about all other aspects of religion/ beliefs
i believe in creation... God created everything... evolution makes no sense to me... i don't think we were monkeys... i don't think everything on Earth was miraculously formed by i dunno "mutant goo"... only God could have created something so complex and beautiful... just my thoughts i'm sure they differ from others views but i'm okay with that
How do you refute the scientific evidence that shows evolution happens, from micro to macro evolution both have occurred and been studied both historically looking at evidence, and in the lab.
Have you watched the interview that I posted by the way? That clip is the first of 7 parts (I know it's long, I just started watching and time flew by :D)
No I have not watched the video... don't really care too...we might be genetically similar to things but that doesn't mean we evolved from them... if we r apes than why r there still apes? why haven't they all evolved into humans? I stand firm in my beliefs in God... I have faith... I don't need evidence God is there... i can feel him... evolution is bs ... i hate that it is force fed to us in school... i think if we have to learn about evolution we should have to learn about all other aspects of religion/ beliefs
Lets say that we evolved from ape x into humans and ape x was indeed still around, that would just mean only some of those apes evolved whilst others did not.
Why would others not evolve, perhaps they were cut off from the ones that did.
Furthermore I'm not sure we know exactly which apes we came from, there are many different species of apes.
The evidence I was referring to was not that God exists or does not, that's another debate, but that evolution happened and is happening.
And you seem pretty closed minded, no matter what I say you'll just ignore it and stand form?
evolution is bs?
You've not accounted for the evidence that backs up evolution nor the fact that we have observed bacteria in micro and in macro evolution.
ya ur right i don't think u could possibly persuade me to believe that we come form any form of apes... if u want to believe that some magical scientific thing created everything than good for u... it just doesn't seem fathomable to me... can u explain to me how everything on Earth came about from ur perspective?... how did the first species of say dinosaurs/ other living things come into existence? Many of the things documented in the Bible are true (they found Noah's Ark for example)... I dunno check out Christianity it's rewarding
ya ur right i don't think u could possibly persuade me to believe that we come form any form of apes... if u want to believe that some magical scientific thing created everything than good for u... it just doesn't seem fathomable to me... can u explain to me how everything on Earth came about from ur perspective?... how did the first species of say dinosaurs/ other living things come into existence? Many of the things documented in the Bible are true (they found Noah's Ark for example)... I dunno check out Christianity it's rewarding
I was brought up catholic and studied RS for my last two years at school. The bible is a book that can be interpreted many ways and it's amusing to see almost every bible reader happening to fit their idea of a god into the bible and ignoring the other perspectives.
Do you presume that Christianity is more rewarding than logic, scientific evidence, and critical thinking?
I was under the impression they never did find the arc, just a site that some people claimed the arc was at.
The earth most probably came about like so:
big bang, matter and energy, flying all about the place and interacting on some level, as they still do, with gravity.
We're talking rocks hitting each other in space. Slowly they can build in size.
They can become denser and denser. Chemical reactions happen, from the density casing heat causing liquidification (also potentially heat from the sun).
Gas pockets come about, come out into the surface, and an atmosphere is formed.
There are of course other factors such as the sun (if you want to see how stars are thought to come about and the study of stars I'd suggest picking up a physics book). With forces such as gravity, e.g. from the planets spinning, the atmosphere stays in place.
Life on earth was most likely started billions upon billions of years ago, by a mixing of certain chemicals. Then they started to evolve.
Then via evolution, and a lot of time and different climates and conditions we have different bacteria, which continue to grow, perhaps even compete.
After that my guess would be microscopic insects. so on so forth.
edit: out of curiosity, if someone said to you:
"check out gambling, it's rewarding" how would you react?
wow... so bacteria created all these different living humans, animals, plants? don't u think that is a little far fetched? i mean honestly i think believing is all about faith... for me i don't need a scientific explanation for how things came about... i have taken the anthropology classes and such... if u really think about it, can u really prove scientifically this is how everything happened? maybe it's just another hypothesis that has never and will never be proven... so u in turn have faith in this unproven hypothesis... which will probably be changed into a new hypothesis in a matter of time... God created this world, he sent his son to die for us because we r sinners, we try to live our life as good as we can and ask for forgiveness... i know there is a heaven and i can't wait to be there!
wow... so bacteria created all these different living humans, animals, plants? don't u think that is a little far fetched? i mean honestly i think believing is all about faith... for me i don't need a scientific explanation for how things came about... i have taken the anthropology classes and such... if u really think about it, can u really prove scientifically this is how everything happened? maybe it's just another hypothesis that has never and will never be proven... so u in turn have faith in this unproven hypothesis... which will probably be changed into a new hypothesis in a matter of time... God created this world, he sent his son to die for us because we r sinners, we try to live our life as good as we can and ask for forgiveness... i know there is a heaven and i can't wait to be there!
That bacteria created all different living humans?
Yeah I do, that bacteria evolved in a way and indirectly were the cause of our existence, not really. But I appreciate the effort of the straw man argument and attempt at claiming I was wrong by absurdity.
"I have taken the anthropology classes"
What is that the ultimate classes? Do you mean some? Perhaps, instead of what you make sound like, high and mighty all powerful classes.
What you're actually appealing to is the sceptic argument. Descartes used this to disprove it, at the time the argument was that we could know nothing at all, not even that we know nothing (at least to the hard line sceptics). He said "I doubt therefore something that doubts must exist" basically.
Then we have Hume's fork, where by he says there are two types of knowledge, that which is a posteriori, and that which a priori.
The Fork:
A priori-based on logical experience A posteriori-based on sense experience.
A triangle has 3 sides This sheet of paper is 0.5grams in weight
2+2=4 There are 8 people in this room
Necessarily true Contingently true
Analytic Synthetic
A prori truths are contradicted if negated, for instance if I was to argue that a triangle had 4 sides I would be contradicting the definition of a triangle.
On the other hand if I was to argue that this piece of paper was in fact 2 grams in weight I would not be contradicting the idea that this is a piece of paper.
Anything a priori is analytical and does not, according to Hume, create any new knowledge.
Where as anything a posteriori does generate new knowledge.
Kant disagreed with him, so on so forth.
This is epistemology by the way, what can we know?
However you seem to be saying we should doubt scientific evidence which uses empirical evidence?
If you're going to doubt this then I ask by what means do you draw to say God exists? You shall doubt that which your senses tell you yet not something else that they tell you?
What do you believe with regards to how we got here? And I sincerely hope it's not "God did it lulz!"
Even if we did say God exists as a creator I see no reason to give him authority over me, just as I don't give authority over my life to my parents (with the exception of financial authority which I have currently no choice over).
I will ask for forgiveness if there was a God, as I'd like god to say sorry to me, I'd like God to apologise for making me and presuming I wanted to be made, and for making me a sinner.
OK, so we are talking about a bunch of different things. The analog to creationism in the science world is the RNA world hypothesis. It says that life evolved up from RNA, essentially. Or at least, that's one of the prevalent theories. It's not just bacteria going *poof* and becoming animals--research it further.
Evolution does not address how life came to be. Evolution explains what causes the numbers of species with certain traits to increase or decrease. It is very simple--it just describes how the existing species at any given time change in population and characteristics.
I'm not sure we all understand evolution properly--it's making it hard to have a discussion.
Life on earth was most likely started billions upon billions of years ago, by a mixing of certain chemicals. Then they started to evolve.
Then via evolution, and a lot of time and different climates and conditions we have different bacteria, which continue to grow, perhaps even compete.
this is where i see a major disconnect. Logically, I can't say that your conclusion is incorrect - because well - no one really knows (thus, the mystery of life, hehehe) but i will say that it seems like a stretch to suggest the combination of any type of physical matter could result in creation of consciousness.
The evidence I was referring to was not that God exists or does not, that's another debate, but that evolution happened and is happening.
In your statement above - you mention that the existence of God is a different debate. However, your thread was started by asking for "Creationists" - I would think that would imply that you're looking to engage in discussion (debate) with people that believe in God. Further, when you state that life was started by chemicals - i believe that implies a lack of a God - so naturally, someone who does believe in God might feel compelled to reply to such a statement.
Life on earth was most likely started billions upon billions of years ago, by a mixing of certain chemicals. Then they started to evolve.
Then via evolution, and a lot of time and different climates and conditions we have different bacteria, which continue to grow, perhaps even compete.
this is where i see a major disconnect. Logically, I can't say that your conclusion is incorrect - because well - no one really knows (thus, the mystery of life, hehehe) but i will say that it seems like a stretch to suggest the combination of any type of physical matter could result in creation of consciousness.
Indirectly yes, matter has something to do with consciousness, although there's also energy.
obviously all matter is physical by definition ^-^
The evidence I was referring to was not that God exists or does not, that's another debate, but that evolution happened and is happening.
In your statement above - you mention that the existence of God is a different debate. However, your thread was started by asking for "Creationists" - I would think that would imply that you're looking to engage in discussion (debate) with people that believe in God. Further, when you state that life was started by chemicals - i believe that implies a lack of a God - so naturally, someone who does believe in God might feel compelled to reply to such a statement.
It's more geared towards why they don't believe in evolution and by what means they refute the scientific facts behind evolution.
With regards to chemicals I think everything has is chemicals. Every life form, made up of them, and that's why they're a basis in my statement. I have to admit in my haste to type plenty of this out I wrote something I don't agree with, I think it more likely that plant matter occurred before animal matter.
Furthermore some form of energy would be needed in this theory. But then energy is surely everywhere.
And indirectly yes, matter has something to do with consciousness, although there's also energy.
OK, so we are talking about a bunch of different things. The analog to creationism in the science world is the RNA world hypothesis. It says that life evolved up from RNA, essentially. Or at least, that's one of the prevalent theories. It's not just bacteria going *poof* and becoming animals--research it further.
Evolution does not address how life came to be. Evolution explains what causes the numbers of species with certain traits to increase or decrease. It is very simple--it just describes how the existing species at any given time change in population and characteristics.
I'm not sure we all understand evolution properly--it's making it hard to have a discussion.
admittedly I haven't looked much at RNA, I thought it was a form of bacteria.
No, it's not bacteria. Read about it. RNA world hypothesis. There are some alternate theories that are similar (iron-sulfur theory, some others). We can't have a proper discussion about the origins of life in science vs. religion without it. We're floundering in speculation and feelings and logic right now. That, and making shit up.....
But yes, let's be clear, evolution and creation are two totally disparate topics. It's a common misconception/confusion. Evolution doesn't have anything to do with how life began.
quite simply, if they didn't evolve they would die out in plenty of cases.
Yes, this is understood and I mentioned that exact same thing myself. That still doesn’t account for my question – if we’re just random bits of matter that happened to accumulate, live – then die – why even care about dying? The bottom line is I don’t have the answer nor do you – so my statement are not with intent to challenge – because there’s nothing to challenge. Two people arguing about “why all beings have instinct to live” is akin to two blind people arguing over what the color “blue” looks like – it’s pointless and a bit exhausting.
If you want to “pretend” like you have answers that no one on this earth possibly could have – that’s allright by me, we live in a free country. However, I’m ok to just put stuff out there as good food for fodder, and let people think about things in their own time and way.
If they do evolve then it is because a mutation has occurred and it has been beneficial.
We’re just rehashing the same thing over and over now. I’m not questioning evolution per’se, I’m offering that, it’s my belief … that there is an intelligence behind evolution.
There is nothing to suggest that there is an underlying consciousness trying to manipulate evolution
In my opinion – there definitely is something – that “something” being … consciousness itself.
Even if it were, where does this underlying idea that they much have a sense of self come from?
Humans – have a sense of self, no?
I believe, as far as we believe to understand at this time, only humans and monkeys have a sense of self. Of course, “what dictates a sense of self?” – that’s an age old question in and of itself.
Let’s, for arguments sake refer to “snakes”. Let’s, for argument’s sake again say and accept “snakes have no sense of self”. Then why would the snake feel the need to mate, and propagate it’s species? Why not just bum around, chill out, have a bud, watch some tv, eat some rats (sorry – snakes aren’t known for being the best vegans) and then well, (poor little guys) – die! Why that inner need or drive to propagate? I’m not asking “you” per’se – I know you don’t have the answer. I know I don’t have the answer. I’m just making a point that this is a factor that leads to my belief/faith in ID.
who is to say that they would? Just because we evolved a certain way does not mean those monkeys will, maybe they'll have more tails, no opposable thumbs so on so forth
Good point!
Wasn't it survival of the fittest, I'm under the impression that the first land dwellers were amphibians. Being able to escape to land would give a huge advantage to them over prey and predator patrolling coasts.
Here is the differentiation that I see:
First Example - you have a series of already existing, different but similar species, and one of those species is most suited to live in the environment that surrounds it – that species will be more likely to continue as a species. To me that’s “survival of the fittest”.
Second Example – You have a species that currently lives in a very humid and warm environment. For whatever reason – that same species then migrates and permanently settles in a very cold weather environment. The species is not well suited to survive in this new environment. To survive, as a species – somehow … some of the members of those species start to mutate – maybe they grow thicker skin, maybe a furry coat - this is a mutation that had to have happened for the species to continue to propagate. Once this chain starts – then it continues further along, where the creatures that have not adapted begin to die off but the creatures that have adapted continue to reproduce – you then get “survival of the fittest”. However, the chain, the mutation … it started somehow. How did that initial series of mutations ever come about to begin with? This is where I believe there needs to be in innate underlying intelligence for the mutation to ever occur.
Now, playing devil’s advocate – maybe there is no ID. Maybe those mutations were totally random in nature. Maybe it was just a freak stroke of luck for that species, that one of it’s members in however many generations - mutated a trait that helped the species to continue. To me, this is way too much randomness and is more absurd (again, to me) then belief in a governing force – but hey, I don’t know the answer – anything is possible.
Your second case just simply isn't what evolution describes. Are you talking about individuals of a species making adaptations to their environments over the course of their own lives? That's not evolution. Those adaptations are not passed to offspring genetically.
Genetic mutations happen for lots of reasons--errors in the DNA replication process that we can pinpoint. Incorrect base pairing, etc. Sometimes the "desired" mutation doesn't happen at all--that's when extinction occurs. I guess I don't see where you're going with this. You're saying that some outside force dictates RNA/DNA transcription errors? There are lots and lots and LOTS of mutations which are detrimental and even fatal for a species. What of those?
The reasoning you present is backwards--we see the successful species that we do BECAUSE their mutations are amenable to the environment. We don't see the ones whose mutations aren't amenable to the environment because they can't propagate. Both types of mutations happen--good and bad.
If you're going to doubt this then I ask by what means do you draw to say God exists?
I think this question has been answered already – “faith” does not need “science” (that’s kinda the very definition of “faith” – having a belief in something that cannot necessarily be proven). It’s ok if the answer doesn’t strike resonance with you but, the fact remains that the question has already been answered.
What do you believe with regards to how we got here? And I sincerely hope it's not "God did it lulz!"
Wow! You ask a question but then you’re pretty much offering ridicule for an answer before even giving the person a chance to answer? Why even ask the question then? Why are “YOU” asking this question? Is it your intent to prove someone wrong to validate your “science”?
What is wrong with “God did it?”. Let’s say all of the science you espouse is perfectly accurate, without a shred of any doubt – all the way back to – what we think we know of the beginning of the universe. How did the universe begin? I don’t mean “the big bang” – I mean, how did the Big Bang happen? Do you know? No. Yeah, that’s ok, I don’t know either. No one knows. So people have every right to believe that God created “creation” as you do “not to believe it” – no thinking is more right or wrong then the other.
The only thing I see as “wrong” is someone trying to “lead the witness” when the person asking the question cannot themselves possibly claim to know the answer for the very same question which they posed.
Even if we did say God exists as a creator I see no reason to give him authority over me, just as I don't give authority over my life to my parents (with the exception of financial authority which I have currently no choice over).
I will ask for forgiveness if there was a God, as I'd like god to say sorry to me, I'd like God to apologise for making me and presuming I wanted to be made, and for making me a sinner.
For me, if there is a creator – then this creator probably has the power to take away as much as they do to create (whether or not choosing to use that power). To me, eh – that’s authority enough.
Authority is not given – it’s taken. If you commit a crime and the police take you to jail – you are not giving the police the authority to take you to jail – they are taking that authority. “Surrender” is given, “authority” is not.
You always have “choices” over everything. They may not be enviable choices or logical or desireable choices – but there’s always choices.
Your last statement, to me that sounds akin to “I’ll make the police apologize to me for taking away my freedom and not letting me do whatever the heck I want” – it’s not always up to us (probably – rarely is).
Indirectly yes, matter has something to do with consciousness, although there's also energy.
Actually – that’s your “theory” but it’s not fact. It can’t be fact because no one knows the “substance” of consciousness (not to say there even is such a thing as “substance of consciousness).
When you project “theory” as actual “fact” – that only serves to further weaken your credibility.
Eastern philosophy believes that it’s the reverse – that consciousness creates matter. Quantum physics seems to be starting to shed some very interesting light on the same.
obviously all matter is physical by definition
That is indeed “fact” – touché!! Of course....since consciousness is not physical - then we can't declare it as matter - thus, we cannot conclude "what" it's made of, chemicals or otherwise.
It's more geared towards why they don't believe in evolution and by what means they refute the scientific facts behind evolution.
I’m maybe misinterpreting, and my apologies if so – but does your statement above imply that you started this thread with the specific intent just to challenge people who’s opinion’s differ then yours?
With regards to chemicals I think everything has is chemicals. Every life form, made up of them, and that's why they're a basis in my statement. I have to admit in my haste to type plenty of this out I wrote something I don't agree with, I think it more likely that plant matter occurred before animal matter.
Furthermore some form of energy would be needed in this theory. But then energy is surely everywhere.
Everything is made of some amalgamation of chemicals…? Hmm, sure – I’m not a chemist but that sounds about right. But matter is matter – you can break it, hold it, manipulate it. Interestingly enough, what happens when you start breaking down matter past the tiniest measurable quantity of matter (is that, protons or neurons, not sure – maybe smaller stuff then that) – aaahhh – then the real fun mystery begins (i.e. quantum physics) because it seems that when you break down matter – it actually loses the attributes of matter and starts playing by a whole new set of rules (consciousness creating matter anyone? Heheh)
Consciousness is more ambiguous by it’s very nature – so I don’t see how we can say it’s made of chemicals when – we really don’t know.
Genetic mutations happen for lots of reasons--errors in the DNA replication process that we can pinpoint. Incorrect base pairing, etc. Sometimes the "desired" mutation doesn't happen at all--that's when extinction occurs. I guess I don't see where you're going with this. You're saying that some outside force dictates RNA/DNA transcription errors? There are lots and lots and LOTS of mutations which are detrimental and even fatal for a species. What of those?
Of course there are going to be lots of mutations/evolutions whathaveyou – that are detrimental to the species. ID or not - there’s going to be many evolutions that simply didn’t span out – and the section of the species then became extinct – sucks to be them, I suppose. But somewhere, one section of the species maybe evolves in just the right manner to continue to propagate their line. Isn’t that the case w/humans. Humans being homo-sapiens but there was some other “homo-….” species that was similar but wasn’t able to propagate. Then it comes to that “survival of the fittest”. All of that being said, that doesn’t account for why species evolve to begin with.
The reasoning you present is backwards--we see the successful species that we do BECAUSE their mutations are amenable to the environment. We don't see the ones whose mutations aren't amenable to the environment because they can't propagate. Both types of mutations happen--good and bad.
What you described above – ends in survival of the fittest, right? Evolution occurs, some lines of a species make it – while other’s don’t. My question goes to “why” does the species evolve at all – instead of just reproducing and then dying off. My feeling is that there in innate sense of “species must propagate thus species must attempt to change to survive in current conditions”. To me, that seems like some deep rooted inner wiring – who did the wiring to make beings even feel the need to evolve.
I understand what you're trying to say (at least i think i do) - that you don't think there *is a why*. Whereas, i do. Again, it's not something i'm posing with the hopes that someone answers - as you said in an earlier post to AoaS - to which i agree, we don't understand everything there is to understand about evolution - so all we're doing is the exchange of concepts - we don't actually ... know
No, you misunderstand me. That whole thing I wrote is the "why" and the "what" simultaneously. I do think there is a very clear "why" for evolution! Evolution happens because environments cannot support all phenotypes of species simultaneously.
My question goes to “why” does the species evolve at all – instead of just reproducing and then dying off. My feeling is that there in innate sense of “species must propagate thus species must attempt to change to survive in current conditions”.
Why does a species evolve at all? Some don't. Those ones go extinct. Evolution is when it is observed that the traits of a species have changed from generation to generation, allowing that species to survive.
Again, evolution doesn't take place as a transformation on individual levels--the animals themselves don't change. Offspring are favored, and when more and more offspring are favored, that becomes the new phenotype for the species. It is mathematical. Increases and decreases in numbers.
Imagine you have large and small marbles in a bag. You drop them through a sieve. Only the small ones pass, and we can see why. There is no DRIVE to do anything--the conditions favor some over others. That process right there is evolution. The marbles didn't do any work--the sieve did.
Your making animals sound like pokemon--they don't evolve that way--like, "Pikachu, go!" When you say, "they have the drive to evolve," do you mean, the drive to give birth to favorable offspring? Because they don't have that drive. The environment chooses the favorable offspring, if and when they produce them. The animal has no will or drive in the process. You are mistaking circumstance for some mysterious force.
Also, we do know most everything about evolution, in terms of the mechanism (but not evolutionary history). We can observe it and verify that it happens--it's describing something that Darwin OBSERVED--not an idea that's yet to be verified. What don't we know? Can you be specific?
And I still think we all need to be on the same page about what evolution is--you all are describing some things that are not evolution at all, which makes it confusing.
Sirdidymus, that first quote in your previous post isn't my words!
And I still think we all need to be on the same page about what evolution is--you all are describing some things that are not evolution at all, which makes it confusing.
Sirdidymus, that first quote in your previous post isn't my words!
oops, sorry - i revised it.
No, you misunderstand me. That whole thing I wrote is the "why" and the "what" simultaneously. I do think there is a very clear "why" for evolution! Evolution happens because environments cannot support all phenotypes of species simultaneously.
My question runs deeper then that. At this point though with so much back and forth and no mutual understanding, I’m comfortable to say that we don’t look at things the same or ask the same questions – which is fine – and I’ll leave it at that.
Why does a species evolve at all? Some don't. Those ones go extinct. Evolution is when it is observed that the traits of a species have changed from generation to generation, allowing that species to survive.
Again, evolution doesn't take place as a transformation on individual levels--the animals themselves don't change. Offspring are favored, and when more and more offspring are favored, that becomes the new phenotype for the species. It is mathematical. Increases and decreases in numbers.
Imagine you have large and small marbles in a bag. You drop them through a sieve. Only the small ones pass, and we can see why. There is no DRIVE to do anything--the conditions favor some over others. That process right there is evolution. The marbles didn't do any work--the sieve did.
Something changes, in the RNA or DNA (I don’t know what or where it is that the changes occur) but something changes from one generation to the next – so what I wonder is why those changes occur?
You’re saying there is no “inherent” drive in evolution – whereas I’m saying I disagree. I think there “possibly is” a drive - the part of a being’s wiring that encourages reproduction I’m not saying I know for sure – because I don’t know. I’m saying I believe it’s a possibility.
Marbles don’t adapt to their environment. No matter how many marbles you take and push through the sieve – you’re never going to have marbles change shape/size in increase their chances of getting through. I know you’re only using marbles as an arbitrary example – but my point is that beings do change – regardless of why – they do change. If beings never changed, all there’d be on this earth is whatever life that evolution believes we all stemmed from. It’s that inherent “changing” from generation to generation – is where I see ID come into play.
Now here’s an interesting question. Let’s say we have (let’s call them “fish”) swimming in the ocean and these “fish” started to come out onto land. Obviously something has to change within the RNA (DNA, not sure) for the fish to adapt to their environment. Let’s say that many changes happen, over billions of generations. Now billions of generations for these life form may in fact be only years in time – who knows. Within those adaptations – some will develop in ways that are not conducive to the new environment – and thus die off. Others will develop in ways that *are* conducive to the new environment, and will continue to propagate.
Now, what I wonder is – are these changes taking place because the environment changed – so now the “fish” have to adapt to their new environment OR were these changes taking place the whole time – even while the fish were completely submerged in water. If those adaptations were taking place while the fish were submerged in water – although conducive to them if they live on land, it’s absolutely useless to them while living in water – so they die off. If that’s the case, these changes are always constantly happening – regardless of the environment – and which changes happen to be favorable to the current environment – continue on. If that’s the case, that puts more of a randomness into evolution – as opposed to the ID connection that I’m thinking of – so it’s very interesting to think about.
Again, I don’t know the answer, but I believe both sides of the coin are very interesting to look at.
Your making animals sound like pokemon--they don't evolve that way--like, "Pikachu, go!" When you say, "they have the drive to evolve," do you mean, the drive to give birth to favorable offspring? Because they don't have that drive. The environment chooses the favorable offspring, if and when they produce them. The animal has no will or drive in the process. You are mistaking circumstance for some mysterious force.
No I’m not – the enunciation in the two words is completely different – I don’t think I could make “animals” sound like “pokemon” no matter how hard I tried!
When I originally said “they have the drive to evolve” it’s with the belief that when the environment changes – there is something within the species internal wiring that causes changes in genetic to enable the species to live in the newly changed environment. However, as with the example I presented earlier – now I’m wondering if maybe those changes are happening all the time – regardless of the environment that surrounds the species. So, for any changes that occurs for “fish”, while still living in water – that may develop an ability that helps them to live better on land – well, they still live in water – so that change doesn’t propagate and then they die. Whereas – if the same change occurred when the “fish” were transitioning to land – the change is then helpful and passes along in newly reproduced offspring.
So in essence, the changes may be happening – just with the constant mixing of RNA – and whatever changes suit the current environment – live. If that’s the case, my statement that you asked about would no longer be viable – I don’t imagine – fancy that!
This is why I like these conversations – because it helps me to think in ways I perhaps might not have before.
Also, we do know most everything about evolution, in terms of the mechanism (but not evolutionary history). We can observe it and verify that it happens--it's describing something that Darwin OBSERVED--not an idea that's yet to be verified. What don't we know? Can you be specific?
I was referring more towards history and the “why?” factor (why it happens) and why? (why/how it began). I’m constantly adding new trains of thought as they become available (see above). With my thoughts above – I can see it being possible for ID to play less (if any) of a factor in the “mechanical evolution process” but still playing a part in the “what started evolution”.