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Just for FUN: Cute things veg*n kids say!

I've been keeping a list of quotes from my daughter for many years (she's 6 now and has been vegan since birth) and have noticed how much people on FB, etc. are enjoying her sayings. Anyone else want to share fun things kids say? I'll go first with a few:

"That smells disgusting. Is that cigarettes or pigmeat? Or cock-a-doodle doo meat?"

"Tofu is the most delicious crap I've ever tasted." (We were discussing the use and mis-use of the word crap that day, and in context, this had my cousin and I laughing hysterically)

"That looks delicious. Do I have to eat some carrots first, though?"

"That cutie looks like a crusher dumpling. And you're as cute as a rainbow cutie with hearts hanging all over you."

OK, that's enough...what you got??

Okay, so I am always telling my son Ethan "ladies first" when he tries to push in front of his sister and stuff like that; so, today while we are in line to pay for our groceries I handed him his drink, and he looked at me like I had lost my mind and said "Mama! Babies first!"and handed the drink to Zoe. ♥

I know it isn't veggie related, but it made me laugh so hard, I had to share  ;D


thats adorable!



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