added this 19 years ago
Melty Cheese (Mock Cheese Sauce)
What you need:
2 cups water
1/4 cup tomatoes
1/4 cup raw almonds
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 tablespoon sea salt
1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoon corn starch
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
What you do:
Blend all ingred. in blender till very smooth. Pour in 2 quart saucepan and cook on med. heat until thick, wisking constantly. Use as a cheese sauce for macaroni or on vegies or whatever you like.
Preparation Time:
1/2 hour
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
Super easy to make and delicious, too! You can probably hold back a little bit on the salt. Otherwise, amazing.
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This sauce turned out pretty good. I made it just as directed and it was just a little flat for my tastes so I added just about a tsp of dijon mustard and it rounded it right out! yum!
This is the best cheese sauce EVER!!! I have already made this like 4 times this week lol! I used cashews instead of almonds and about a cup of plain unsweetened soy milk and a few dahes water. I also used leftover homemade pasta sauce instead of the tomatoes because it's what I had on hand. It's nice and thick, yummy. Also, I actually prefer to leave some cashew chunks. I think non-vegans would find that odd in a cheese sauce, but it gives it something extra. This stuff is awesome for anything, seriously. Just as a dip, mac and cheese, on a sandwich, with a spoon :D Last time I made it, I added a handful of daiya pepperjack cheese, pumped it up a knotch! might add some salsa for a chip and dip deal too. Endless possibilities. THANK YOU!!!!!!
My food processor is being a who*e and didn't blend the almonds well enough, so mine came out kinda chunky, but it is still delicious!! I just made it to use in a lasagna...I haven't tried the lasagna yet but I've been nibbling on the leftover sauce with the leftover noodles and it's really yummy!!
:D I have made this so many times and used for soooo many different recipes! I and my family absolutely love it, even with tortilla chips only! :)>>>
Turned out soooooo good. I strained the sauce before I cooked it though to make sure there weren't any nutty bits left over. I'm dying to make it again... need more almonds...
I made this tonight and it's pretty amazing. I wanted a more creamy result so I used 1 cup water 1 cup milk, though I think I should have stuck to the water only and used less nutritional yeast. I also opted out of using tomatoes and it is perfect for mac and cheese! My boyfriend likes it so much that he's using it for that right now, and he is generally picky when it comes to his dairy alternatives. I will definitely be using this recipe again. ;)b
Doesn't taste like cheese but it's good. I put it on my pizza. You can leave out the nuts if you don't have them.