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Member since July 2006

Chana Masala (Curried Garbanzo Beans)

What you need: 

1 yellow onion, diced small
3 toes garlic, minced
1 jalapeno, diced (seeded and deveined if you don’t like alot of heat)
2 cup garbanzo beans (already cooked)
2 cup diced tomatoes, canned (I use Muir Glenn, they are the best)
5 red jacket potatoes, diced
4 cups vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon tandoori masala
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon cumin (I use 1/2 teaspoon ground and 1/2 teaspoon whole seeds)
1 1/2 tablespoon muchi curry powder ( get a good quality curry it makes all the
difference in the world)
1/2 teaspoon garlic granules
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon basil
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon fenugreek
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 cup fresh cilantro (+ 2 tablespoons reserved)

What you do: 

Heat a small amount of oil in a 1 quart skillet, or a pot is fine if you don’t have one. Add onion and cook for 2-3 minutes on medium high; add garlic and jalapeno, cook a few more minutes; add garbanzo, potato, tomato, stock, herbs and spices, reduce heat to medium low and cover. Cook until potatoes are soft and most of the liquid has cooked off.
Remove from heat and smash some of the solids to thicken the sauce. Stir in reserved cilantro before serving. Serve with brown rice and nann or cornbread.
*all the spice measurements are approximate, I just go by taste and adjust along the way*

Preparation Time: 
30-45 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


I wanted to take a dish to my friends Super Bowl Party and what goes better with Beer than a good Curry Dish?!?  :smileteeth:

Luckily, I have a well stocked spice rack and I had most of the ingredients on this list, except FenugreeK??  So, I bough a big bulb of fennel instead.  Later, I read on wikipedia that the two are not the same??  Oh well....

I had some sweet potato left over, so I used this with yellow potatoes for the recipe.  Instead of smashing some of the mixture to thicken, I put a few ladels of the mixture into a blender and then added it back into the pot.

The result:  ;)b  AMAZING!!!  BEST CURRY DISH EVER!!!

Are taste buds were so delighted with the results!  The smell, taste, texture and look of this dish was fantastic.  This will be a new regular dish at our house.  It was wonderful served over basmati rice with a side of Naan to dip into the wonderful sauce.




This was so stinkin' good!  I wasn't sure what tandoori masala was, but I had garam masala, so I used that.  Otherwise, I followed the recipe to a "T."  It contains a lot of ingredients, but is SUPER easy and absolutely delicious!  I simmered it for about 45 minutes before giving it a good mash and serving over rice.

I used a fabulous homemade curry powder that I found here:

1-1/4 Tbs. Ground Coriander
2-1/2 tsp. Whole Black Peppercorns
1/2 tsp. Whole Cloves
1 tsp. Whole Cumin Seed
1 tsp. shelled Whole Cardamom Seed
1/2 tsp. Ground Fenugreek Seed
1-1/4 Tbs. Ground Turmeric Root
1/2 tsp. Ground Mace
1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1/4 tsp. Ground Ginger
1/8 tsp. Ground Red Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp. mustard seeds (optional)
1/4 tsp. nutmeg (optional)

Grind and toast.


;)b This is a great recipe that has a depth of flavor. Don't think I've ever used fenugreek before, and I'm still not sure what it does. I made this twice in the same month (with plenty of leftovers in between).


Oh man, this is some good stuff!
Usually when I make chana masala, I don't bother with potatoes and I stick with a very simple spice blend...but this was a great change of pace.
I did not use fenugreek, turmeric, or the jalepeno, because I didn't have those. I probably wouldn't have wanted to add the jalepeno anyway, because this recipe does pack a bit of a bite! It's right up there at my spice threshold, but the flavor is really good, too. It might just be the perfect blend of spices for such a dish.
I only used 3 cups of broth because I was afraid it'd be too soupy.... and even after smushing it up a bit at the end of cooking, I still felt the need to add about a tablespoon of cornstarch (dissolved in a bit of water) to thicken it up some. It would probably be good even without doing that, but I prefer the extra thickness.
Definitely use the fresh cilantro if You can get it, because that's one element that makes this recipe extra yummy.


My husband and I have been looking forward to making weekend curry all week, and we whipped this up last night - holy moley it was amazing! :)
I had made a batch of fresh garam masala on Saturday, so used that, we had some whole dried chillis, so I choped up one of them instead of jalapeno, we don't have any fenugreek or cilantro, but did everything else to recipe
After nearly an hour on the element it was still really liquidy , so I smushed the potatoes some, and it was perfect.  Don't know whether the fact that I used pre-cooked, frozen chickpeas would have had any effect on the outcome...
We adore spicy food, but there's nothing worse than having a hot curry that only tastes... hot.  If I'm going to spend the time putting over 20 ingredients in a pan, I want to be able to taste them!! And this one had the perfect mix - we used special 'hot' curry powder from our local Indian spice store, and the full amount of chilli powder and the whole chilli as mentioned above, but it came out beautifully rounded in flavour.  Totally recommended.
Also stoked that it made enough for the two of us for dinner last night, husband's lunch for today, and a full dinner-sized portion for both of us in the freezer :)


i doubled this recipe and made it last night for the members of the co op with whom i live. everyone loved it! instead of serving it over basmati rice, i used quinoa. i also made some fruit chutney {replacing the prunes with dried apricots and added three plums}.


The first time I made this  (and I SWEAR I left a review), it was great but a tad too salty (even though I used fresh tomatoes). This time around I used a can of black beans to replace one of the chickpeas (not very authentic, I know) because that's what I had hanging around. I didn't add any salt, and had canned tomatoes. Weirdly, it wound up being way more liquid than before - I don't know if this has to do with the black beans, or because maybe I forgot to add the full amount of liquid before, or because I didn't have the potatoes in this time (but there was way too much water to account for that, plus I didn't add the full amount this time!

It was still great though, though it was much more like soup than anything. It thickened up in the fridge, and I might add more curry powder next time if I feel brave. I used it (and the Pakistani Dhal recipe on here) to introduce my boyfriend to Indian food  :) (he likes it now).


Overall, this was fabulous! It was a bit salty for my tastes so I added a bit more ginger and some cardamom to sweeten it up. I think the tomatoes must have been salty or maybe the veggie broth or the tandoori blend I have. But, easily remedied. I assume it was the fault of some ingredient I threw in there!

I left out the funugreek and tumeric because I didn't have either, but it was still pretty good! I didn't mash any of the solids either because I let it boil down pretty far.

Absolutely fabulous recipe! I served it over brown rice along with some kabul flat bread. Very delicious! Would certainly make it again. :) Company enjoyed it too!

I can't wait to have leftovers tomorrow when all the flavors have melded more. Mmmm!


This was so good I made it for lunch Sunday, ate the leftovers Sunday night and made it again Monday for lunch!!


This was awesome!!! MY BEST CURRY EVER!! I used this basic recipe but changed it some...
Well, I never know when it's become my OWN recipe and if I should post it as a new recipe or if it's just been changed a bit. Anyhere, is what I did:

1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon cumin
1 Tablespoon Hot Madras Curry Powder (McCormick makes one)
1 bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 teaspoon basil
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1 onion, diced small
1/4 cup water
2 T margarine or oil (optional)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 - 15 oz can garbanzo beans (Libby’s makes an organic kind!)
1 - 15 oz can diced tomatoes (Del Monte makes a no-salt added!)
2 T ketchup
Basmati or brown rice for serving.


1. Rinse and drain garbanzo beans.
2. Add all the spices above (Yes, all 14!) to a dry (large) skillet. Heat and toast the spices. Stirring constantly. It won’t take long (less than 5 minutes,) they will all become fragrant. It is important not to skip this step.
3. Add garlic and diced onions, stir. Add water (and margarine or oil if using) half at a time. Sauté onions for about 5 minutes. Add undrained tomatoes to onion/spice mixture. Stir.
4. Add rinsed and drain garbanzos. Add Ketchup (got this from another chana masala recipe!)
5. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Now is a good time to start your rice.
6. Remove cinnamon stick and bay leaf. Serve over rice.



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