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Tastes Like Chicken

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has just offered a $1 million prize to anyone who develops a commercially viable "in vitro chicken-meat product.  The catch is that the product can't contain or entail the use of "animal-derived products, except for starter cells obtained in the initial development stages.

Full Article Here:

I'm curious to know what you guys think of PETA supporting/encouraging this research.  While I understand it would reduce animal suffering, would you eat it?

Hey, Storm, there is another thread started about this under PETA wants frankenmeat.


Funny, I looked for it before I posted and didn't see it...hmmm.  Must have had a brain fart.


I would most certainly not eat it!  That article disturbed me on so many levels.


I kind of like the idea.  While I certainly wouldn't eat it (even if all farms were humane and slaughter was done painlessly, I still wouldn't eat meat since it really grosses me out now), there are people who will never give up meat no matter what info you throw at them, so I think this may be a humane alternative.  Now, if there will be any health consequences of such "frankenfood", who knows, but "normal" meat right now is unhealthy, so it can't get much worse, right?  Wow, that was a long sentence :D


It is easy for me to see why people would go with either side of this argument. However, I personally would never touch the stuff. It is as far away from natural, whole foods as it gets! Plus, you are still messing with animals, in the initial stages.
From a utilitarian perspective though, it can be justified (probably less suffering overall for animals). People are funny, though. Natural, well prepared veg*n foods just taste so much better to me than I remember ever liking meat, that it seems so silly to go to those lengths...


I wouldn't eat it. Personally, I am a vegan because eating meat is just gross to me. Even though I care about animals, it isn't my main concern. I think that if this reduced the slaughter of animals, then ultimately, its a good idea....but why someone would be addicting to eating meat bad enough to eat it is beyond me.


even if the production of vat-meat (which sounds delicious doesn't it?) meant that animals would not be slaughtered for food (which i'm sure they almost always will be either way) i'd rather not eat any food that's been grown in a test tube. i can just imagine the scene of the lab, growin a steak or chicken breast like they were cultures or something. gross. no gmo's please!  :)

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